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function _delete_all_quick in Delete all 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 delete_all.module \_delete_all_quick()
  2. 7 delete_all.module \_delete_all_quick()
1 call to _delete_all_quick()
delete_all_content_submit in ./delete_all.module


./delete_all.module, line 339


function _delete_all_quick($types) {
  $deleted = 0;
  foreach ($types as $type) {

    // keep this alive

    // determine how many items will be deleted
    $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = '%s'", $type));
    if ($count) {

      // should always be positive

       * build a list of tables that need to be deleted from
       * The tables array is of the format table_name => array('col1', 'col2', ...)
       * where "col1, col2" are using "nid, vid", but could simply be "nid".
      $nid_vid = array(
      $nid = array(
      $tables = array(
        'node_revisions' => $nid_vid,
        'comments' => $nid,
      $tables[_content_tablename($type, CONTENT_DB_STORAGE_PER_CONTENT_TYPE)] = $nid_vid;
      $content = content_types($type);
      if (count($content['fields'])) {
        foreach ($content['fields'] as $field) {
          $field_info = content_database_info($field);
          $tables[$field_info['table']] = $nid_vid;

      // find all other tables that might be related
      switch ($GLOBALS['db_type']) {
        case 'mysql':
        case 'mysqli':
          $result_tables = db_query("SHOW TABLES");
          while ($data = db_fetch_array($result_tables)) {
            $table = array_pop($data);
            if (isset($tables[$table]) || substr($table, 0, 8) == 'content_') {
            $result_cols = db_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s", $table);
            $cols = array();
            while ($data = db_fetch_array($result_cols)) {
              $cols[$data['Field']] = $data;
            if (isset($cols['nid'])) {
              $tables[$table] = isset($cols['vid']) ? $nid_vid : $nid;
        case 'pgsql':

          // @TODO: inspect the database and look for nid fields

      // @todo: update all node related nid references
      // delete from all of the content tables in one sql statement
      $sql = array(
        'delete' => array(),
        'from' => array(),
        'where' => array(),
      $index = 0;
      foreach ($tables as $table => $cols) {
        $table = '{' . $table . '}';
        $sql['cols'][] = "t{$index}.*";

        // build the ON clause
        $on = array();
        foreach ($cols as $col) {
          $on[] = "t{$index}.{$col} = n.{$col}";

        // now that we have the ON clause, build the join clause
        $sql['join'][] = " LEFT JOIN {$table} t{$index} ON " . implode(' AND ', $on);
      $delete_sql = "DELETE n.*, " . implode(', ', $sql['cols']) . " FROM {node} n " . implode(' ', $sql['join']);
      db_query($delete_sql . " WHERE n.type = '%s'", $type);
      $deleted += $count;
  return $deleted;