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function defaultcontent_get_node in Default Content 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 defaultcontent.module \defaultcontent_get_node()

Helper function to get a node when pass a machine name

TODO: i have to keep a static temp because for some reason node_load returns 0 the second time around


$name: A machine name

Return value

object Node object

2 calls to defaultcontent_get_node()
content_features_export_render in ./
Implements hook_features_export_render().
defaultcontent_page_view in ./defaultcontent.module
Load up node


./defaultcontent.module, line 250
Module file for the Default content module which allow export and import of default content in a Drupal site.


function defaultcontent_get_node($name) {
  static $temp;
  if (is_numeric(defaultcontent_get_default($name))) {
    $nid = defaultcontent_get_default($name);
    if (!isset($temp[$nid])) {
      $temp[$nid] = node_load($nid);
    return $temp[$nid];