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function defaultcontent_alter_identifier in Default Content 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 defaultcontent.module \defaultcontent_alter_identifier()
4 calls to defaultcontent_alter_identifier()
content_menu_links_features_export_options in ./
Implements hook_features_export_options().
content_menu_links_features_export_render in ./
Implements hook_features_export_render().
defaultcontent_import_menu_link in ./defaultcontent.module
imports a new menu item
menu_item_export_alter in plugins/
Handles the exporting of menu links attached to nodes


./defaultcontent.module, line 600
Module file for the Default content module which allow export and import of default content in a Drupal site.


function defaultcontent_alter_identifier($identifier, $to_name = TRUE) {
  list($menu, $path) = explode(':', $identifier);
  $identifier = $menu . ':' . defaultcontent_alter_path($path, $to_name);
  return $identifier;