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Files in Commerce Ajax Add to Cart 7

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Commerce AJAX Add to Cart 7.x-1.x, 2015-02-08 ------------------------------------- - Issue #2365599 by subhojit777: Added pass cart render array to template The template array has been added for shopping cart block. Commerce AJAX Add to Cart…
dc-ajax-add-to-cart-message.tpl.php templates/dc-ajax-add-to-cart-message.tpl.php Add to cart message template file.
dc-ajax-shopping-cart-teaser.tpl.php templates/dc-ajax-shopping-cart-teaser.tpl.php Ajax shopping cart teaser block template file.
dc-ajax-shopping-cart.tpl.php templates/dc-ajax-shopping-cart.tpl.php Ajax shopping cart block template file. Ajax add to cart administration UI.
dc_ajax_add_cart.css css/dc_ajax_add_cart.css .add-to-cart-overlay { background-image: url(../images/overlay.png); bottom: 0; left: 0; position: fixed; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 100; } .add-cart-message-wrapper { background-color: #fff; border: 2px solid #ccc; color:… name = Commerce AJAX Add to Cart description = Ajaxifies addition of products to cart core = 7.x configure = admin/commerce/config/ajax-cart dependencies[] = commerce dependencies[] = commerce_cart package = Commerce (contrib)
dc_ajax_add_cart.install dc_ajax_add_cart.install Ajax add to cart installation file.
dc_ajax_add_cart.module dc_ajax_add_cart.module Ajax add to cart module.
README.txt README.txt AJAX Add to Cart module ajaxifies the add to cart operation. The updated cart will be displayed without page refresh and a popup message will be shown after you add an item to cart. This module provides two blocks, first the shopping cart block that…

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