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class Dbug in dBug for Drupal 2.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Dbug.php \Drupal\dbug\Dbug
  2. 1.0.x src/Dbug.php \Drupal\dbug\Dbug

Implementation of dBug for Drupal.

The main modifications are the return as a render array instead of echo and the adequacy to Drupal standards.

AUTHOR =========== Yuri Seki

============================================================================ dBug original comments. ============================================================================

AUTHOR ============= Kwaku Otchere

AFTERMARKET HACKER ================== Josh Sherman

Thanks to Andrew Hewitt ( for the idea and suggestion

All the credit goes to ColdFusion's brilliant cfdump tag Hope the next version of PHP can implement this or have something similar I love PHP, but var_dump BLOWS!!!


PURPOSE ============= Dumps/Displays the contents of a variable in a colored tabular format Based on the idea, javascript and css code of Macromedia's ColdFusion cfdump tag. A much better presentation of a variable's contents than PHP's var_dump and print_r functions.

USAGE ============= new dBug ( variable [,forceType] ); example: new dBug ( $myVariable );

if the optional "forceType" string is given, the variable supplied to the function is forced to have that forceType type. example: new dBug( $myVariable , "array" ); will force $myVariable to be treated and dumped as an array type, even though it might originally have been a string type, etc.

NOTE! ============== forceType is REQUIRED for dumping an xml string or xml file new dBug ( $strXml, "xml" );


  • class \Drupal\dbug\Dbug

Expanded class hierarchy of Dbug

See also


src/Dbug.php, line 70


View source
class Dbug {

   * Variable $xmlDepth.
   * @var array
  public $xmlDepth = [];

   * Variable $xmlCData.
   * @var string
  public $xmlCData;

   * Variable $xmlSData.
   * @var string
  public $xmlSData;

   * Variable $xmlDData.
   * @var string
  public $xmlDData;

   * Variable $xmlCount.
   * @var int
  public $xmlCount = 0;

   * Variable $xmlAttrib.
   * @var string
  public $xmlAttrib;

   * Variable $xmlName.
   * @var string
  public $xmlName;

   * Variable $arrType.
   * @var array
  public $arrType = [

   * Variable $bInitialized.
   * @var bool
  public $bInitialized = FALSE;

   * Variable $bCollapsed.
   * @var bool
  public $bCollapsed = FALSE;

   * Variable $arrHistory.
   * @var array
  public $arrHistory = [];

   * The output debug table.
   * @var array
  public $output = [];

   * Dbug constructor.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable to debug.
   * @param string $forceType
   *   Variable type to be forced.
   * @param bool $bCollapsed
   *   Collapse the result?
  public function __construct($var, $forceType = "", $bCollapsed = FALSE) {

    // Include js and css scripts.
    if (!defined('BDBUGINIT')) {
      define("BDBUGINIT", TRUE);

    // Array of variable types that can be "forced".
    $arrAccept = [
    $this->bCollapsed = $bCollapsed;
    if (in_array($forceType, $arrAccept)) {
        ->{"varIs" . ucfirst($forceType)}($var);
    else {

   * Return the debug output.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable to debug.
   * @param string $forceType
   *   Variable type to be forced.
   * @param bool $bCollapsed
   *   Collapse the result?
   * @return string
   *   The variable string representation.
  public static function debug($var, $forceType = "", $bCollapsed = FALSE) {
    $dbug = new self($var, $forceType, $bCollapsed);
    $output = $dbug->output;
    $output = implode(chr(10), $output);
    return Markup::create($output);

   * Get the variable name.
   * @return string
   *   The variable name.
  protected function getVariableName() {
    $arrBacktrace = debug_backtrace();

    // Possible 'included' functions.
    $arrInclude = [

    // Check for any included/required files. if found, get array of the last
    // included file (they contain the right line numbers).
    for ($i = count($arrBacktrace) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
      $arrCurrent = $arrBacktrace[$i];
      if (array_key_exists("function", $arrCurrent) && (in_array($arrCurrent["function"], $arrInclude) || 0 != strcasecmp($arrCurrent["function"], "dbug"))) {
      $arrFile = $arrCurrent;
    if (isset($arrFile)) {
      $arrLines = file($arrFile["file"]);
      $code = $arrLines[$arrFile["line"] - 1];

      // Find call to dBug class.
      preg_match('/\\bnew dBug\\s*\\(\\s*(.+)\\s*\\);/i', $code, $arrMatches);
      return $arrMatches[1];
    return "";

   * Create the main table header.
   * @param string $type
   *   The header type.
   * @param string $header
   *   The header.
   * @param int $colspan
   *   The colspan.
  protected function makeTableHeader($type, $header, $colspan = 2) {
    if (!$this->bInitialized) {
      $header = $this
        ->getVariableName() . " (" . $header . ")";
      $this->bInitialized = TRUE;
    $str_i = $this->bCollapsed ? "style=\"font-style:italic\" " : "";
    $this->output[] = "<table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3 class=\"dBug_" . $type . "\">\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td " . $str_i . "class=\"dBug_" . $type . "Header\" colspan=" . $colspan . " onClick='dBug_toggleTable(this)'>" . $header . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";

   * Create the table row header.
   * @param string $type
   *   The type.
   * @param string $header
   *   The header.
  protected function makeTdHeader($type, $header) {
    $str_d = $this->bCollapsed ? " style=\"display:none\"" : "";
    $this->output[] = "<tr" . $str_d . ">\n\t\t\t\t<td valign=\"top\" onClick='dBug_toggleRow(this)' class=\"dBug_" . $type . "Key\">" . $header . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>";

   * Close table row.
   * @return string
   *   The td close tag.
  protected function closeTdRow() {
    return "</td></tr>\n";

   * Error.
   * @param string $type
   *   The error type.
   * @return string
   *   The error description.
  protected function error($type) {
    $error = "Error: Variable cannot be a";

    // This just checks if the type starts with a vowel or "x" and displays
    // either "a" or "an".
    if (in_array(substr($type, 0, 1), [
    ])) {
      $error .= "n";
    return $error . " " . $type . " type";

   * Check variable type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function checkType($var) {
    switch (gettype($var)) {
      case "resource":
      case "object":
      case "array":
      case "NULL":
      case "boolean":
        $var = $var == "" ? "[empty string]" : $var;
        $this->output[] = "<table cellspacing=0><tr>\n<td>" . $var . "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";

   * If variable is a NULL type.
  protected function varIsNull() {
    $this->output[] = "NULL";

   * If variable is a boolean type.
   * @param bool $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsBoolean($var) {
    $var = $var == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
    $this->output[] = $var;

   * If variable is an array type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsArray($var) {
    $var_ser = serialize($var);
    array_push($this->arrHistory, $var_ser);
      ->makeTableHeader("array", "array");
    if (is_array($var)) {
      foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
          ->makeTdHeader("array", $key);

        // Check for recursion.
        if (is_array($value)) {
          $var_ser = serialize($value);
          if (in_array($var_ser, $this->arrHistory, TRUE)) {
            $value = "*RECURSION*";
        if (in_array(gettype($value), $this->arrType)) {
        else {
          $value = trim($value) == "" ? "[empty string]" : $value;
          $this->output[] = $value;
        $this->output[] = $this
    else {
      $this->output[] = "<tr><td>" . $this
        ->error("array") . $this
    $this->output[] = "</table>";

   * If variable is an object type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsObject($var) {
    $var_ser = serialize($var);
    array_push($this->arrHistory, $var_ser);
      ->makeTableHeader("object", "object");
    if (is_object($var)) {
      $arrObjVars = get_object_vars($var);
      foreach ($arrObjVars as $key => $value) {
        $value = !is_object($value) && !is_array($value) && trim($value) == "" ? "[empty string]" : $value;
          ->makeTdHeader("object", $key);

        // Check for recursion.
        if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
          $var_ser = serialize($value);
          if (in_array($var_ser, $this->arrHistory, TRUE)) {
            $value = is_object($value) ? "*RECURSION* -> \$" . get_class($value) : "*RECURSION*";
        if (in_array(gettype($value), $this->arrType)) {
        else {
          $this->output[] = $value;
        $this->output[] = $this
      $arrObjMethods = get_class_methods(get_class($var));
      foreach ($arrObjMethods as $key => $value) {
          ->makeTdHeader("object", $value);
        $this->output[] = "[function]" . $this
    else {
      $this->output[] = "<tr><td>" . $this
        ->error("object") . $this
    $this->output[] = "</table>";

   * If variable is a resource type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsResource($var) {
      ->makeTableHeader("resourceC", "resource", 1);
    $this->output[] = "<tr>\n<td>\n";
    switch (get_resource_type($var)) {
      case "fbsql result":
      case "mssql result":
      case "msql query":
      case "pgsql result":
      case "sybase-db result":
      case "sybase-ct result":
      case "mysql result":
        $db = current(explode(" ", get_resource_type($var)));
          ->varIsDbResource($var, $db);
      case "gd":
      case "xml":
        $this->output[] = get_resource_type($var) . $this
    $this->output[] = $this
      ->closeTdRow() . "</table>\n";

   * If variable is a database resource type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
   * @param string $db
   *   The database.
  protected function varIsDbResource($var, $db = "mysql") {
    if ($db == "pgsql") {
      $db = "pg";
    if ($db == "sybase-db" || $db == "sybase-ct") {
      $db = "sybase";
    $arrFields = [
    $numrows = call_user_func($db . "_num_rows", $var);
    $numfields = call_user_func($db . "_num_fields", $var);
      ->makeTableHeader("resource", $db . " result", $numfields + 1);
    $this->output[] = "<tr><td class=\"dBug_resourceKey\">&nbsp;</td>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numfields; $i++) {
      $field_header = "";
      for ($j = 0; $j < count($arrFields); $j++) {
        $db_func = $db . "_field_" . $arrFields[$j];
        if (function_exists($db_func)) {
          $fheader = call_user_func($db_func, $var, $i) . " ";
          if ($j == 0) {
            $field_name = $fheader;
          else {
            $field_header .= $fheader;
      $field[$i] = call_user_func($db . "_fetch_field", $var, $i);
      $this->output[] = "<td class=\"dBug_resourceKey\" title=\"" . $field_header . "\">" . $field_name . "</td>";
    $this->output[] = "</tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
      $row = call_user_func($db . "_fetch_array", $var, constant(strtoupper($db) . "_ASSOC"));
      $this->output[] = "<tr>\n";
      $this->output[] = "<td class=\"dBug_resourceKey\">" . ($i + 1) . "</td>";
      for ($k = 0; $k < $numfields; $k++) {
        $field_row = $row[$field[$k]->name];
        $field_row = $field_row == "" ? "[empty string]" : $field_row;
        $this->output[] = "<td>" . $field_row . "</td>\n";
      $this->output[] = "</tr>\n";
    $this->output[] = "</table>";
    if ($numrows > 0) {
      call_user_func($db . "_data_seek", $var, 0);

   * If variable is an image/gd resource type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsGdResource($var) {
      ->makeTableHeader("resource", "gd", 2);
      ->makeTdHeader("resource", "Width");
    $this->output[] = imagesx($var) . $this
      ->makeTdHeader("resource", "Height");
    $this->output[] = imagesy($var) . $this
      ->makeTdHeader("resource", "Colors");
    $this->output[] = imagecolorstotal($var) . $this
    $this->output[] = "</table>";

   * If variable is an xml type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsXml($var) {

   * If variable is an xml resource type.
   * @param mixed $var
   *   The variable.
  protected function varIsXmlResource($var) {
    $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
    xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
    xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, [
    ], [
    xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, [
    xml_set_default_handler($xml_parser, [
      ->makeTableHeader("xml", "xml document", 2);
      ->makeTdHeader("xml", "xmlRoot");

    // Attempt to open xml file.
    $bFile = !($fp = @fopen($var, "r")) ? FALSE : TRUE;

    // Read xml file.
    if ($bFile) {
      while ($data = str_replace("\n", "", fread($fp, 4096))) {
          ->xmlParse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp));
    else {
      if (!is_string($var)) {
        $this->output[] = $this
          ->error("xml") . $this
          ->closeTdRow() . "</table>\n";
      $data = $var;
        ->xmlParse($xml_parser, $data, 1);
    $this->output[] = $this
      ->closeTdRow() . "</table>\n";

   * Parse xml.
   * @param string $xml_parser
   *   The parser.
   * @param string $data
   *   The data.
   * @param string $bFinal
   *   The final.
  protected function xmlParse($xml_parser, $data, $bFinal) {
    if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, $bFinal)) {
      die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d\n", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser)));

   * Xml: inititiated when a start tag is encountered.
   * @param string $parser
   *   The parser.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name.
   * @param string $attribs
   *   The attributes.
  protected function xmlStartElement($parser, $name, $attribs) {
    $this->xmlAttrib[$this->xmlCount] = $attribs;
    $this->xmlName[$this->xmlCount] = $name;
    $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] = '$this->makeTableHeader("xml","xml element",2);';
    $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] .= '$this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlName");';
    $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] .= '$this->output[] = "<strong>' . $this->xmlName[$this->xmlCount] . '</strong>".$this->closeTDRow();';
    $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] .= '$this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlAttributes");';
    if (count($attribs) > 0) {
      $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] .= '$this->varIsArray($this->xmlAttrib[' . $this->xmlCount . ']);';
    else {
      $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] .= '$this->output[] = "&nbsp;";';
    $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount] .= '$this->output[] = $this->closeTDRow();';

   * Xml: initiated when an end tag is encountered.
   * @param string $parser
   *   The parser.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name.
  protected function xmlEndElement($parser, $name) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $this->xmlCount; $i++) {
        ->makeTdHeader("xml", "xmlText");
      $this->output[] = !empty($this->xmlCData[$i]) ? $this->xmlCData[$i] : "&nbsp;";
      $this->output[] = $this
        ->makeTdHeader("xml", "xmlComment");
      $this->output[] = !empty($this->xmlDData[$i]) ? $this->xmlDData[$i] : "&nbsp;";
      $this->output[] = $this
        ->makeTdHeader("xml", "xmlChildren");
      unset($this->xmlCData[$i], $this->xmlDData[$i]);
    $this->output[] = $this
    $this->output[] = "</table>";
    $this->xmlCount = 0;

   * Xml: initiated when text between tags is encountered.
   * @param string $parser
   *   The parser.
   * @param string $data
   *   The data.
  protected function xmlCharacterData($parser, $data) {
    $count = $this->xmlCount - 1;
    if (!empty($this->xmlCData[$count])) {
      $this->xmlCData[$count] .= $data;
    else {
      $this->xmlCData[$count] = $data;

   * Xml: initiated when a comment or other miscellaneous texts is encountered.
   * @param string $parser
   *   The parser.
   * @param string $data
   *   The data.
  protected function xmlDefaultHandler($parser, $data) {

    // Strip '<!--' and '-->' off comments.
    $data = str_replace([
    ], "", htmlspecialchars($data));
    $count = $this->xmlCount - 1;
    if (!empty($this->xmlDData[$count])) {
      $this->xmlDData[$count] .= $data;
    else {
      $this->xmlDData[$count] = $data;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Dbug::$arrHistory public property Variable $arrHistory.
Dbug::$arrType public property Variable $arrType.
Dbug::$bCollapsed public property Variable $bCollapsed.
Dbug::$bInitialized public property Variable $bInitialized.
Dbug::$output public property The output debug table.
Dbug::$xmlAttrib public property Variable $xmlAttrib.
Dbug::$xmlCData public property Variable $xmlCData.
Dbug::$xmlCount public property Variable $xmlCount.
Dbug::$xmlDData public property Variable $xmlDData.
Dbug::$xmlDepth public property Variable $xmlDepth.
Dbug::$xmlName public property Variable $xmlName.
Dbug::$xmlSData public property Variable $xmlSData.
Dbug::checkType protected function Check variable type.
Dbug::closeTdRow protected function Close table row.
Dbug::debug public static function Return the debug output.
Dbug::error protected function Error.
Dbug::getVariableName protected function Get the variable name.
Dbug::makeTableHeader protected function Create the main table header.
Dbug::makeTdHeader protected function Create the table row header.
Dbug::varIsArray protected function If variable is an array type.
Dbug::varIsBoolean protected function If variable is a boolean type.
Dbug::varIsDbResource protected function If variable is a database resource type.
Dbug::varIsGdResource protected function If variable is an image/gd resource type.
Dbug::varIsNull protected function If variable is a NULL type.
Dbug::varIsObject protected function If variable is an object type.
Dbug::varIsResource protected function If variable is a resource type.
Dbug::varIsXml protected function If variable is an xml type.
Dbug::varIsXmlResource protected function If variable is an xml resource type.
Dbug::xmlCharacterData protected function Xml: initiated when text between tags is encountered.
Dbug::xmlDefaultHandler protected function Xml: initiated when a comment or other miscellaneous texts is encountered.
Dbug::xmlEndElement protected function Xml: initiated when an end tag is encountered.
Dbug::xmlParse protected function Parse xml.
Dbug::xmlStartElement protected function Xml: inititiated when a start tag is encountered.
Dbug::__construct public function Dbug constructor.