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function dba_check_tables_form in Database Administration 5

1 string reference to 'dba_check_tables_form'
dba_admin_tables_check in ./dba.module
MySQL only: check the selected table(s).


./dba.module, line 905
Allows administrators direct access to their Drupal database. Written by Jeremy Andrews <>, June 2004. PostgreSQL functionality provided by AAM <> Major security audit, porting, and maintenance by Derek…


function dba_check_tables_form() {

  // Setup a form value to remember what table(s) we're operating on.
  $form['check_tables']['tables']['#type'] = 'hidden';

  // First, see if we what the active table is, based solely on
  // $_SESSION and the URL.
  $tables = dba_get_active_tables(0);
  if (!empty($tables)) {

    // We already know, so this is easy...
    $form['check_tables']['tables']['#default_value'] = implode(',', $tables);
  else {

    // It must be in the form values, then.  In this case, we need to
    // call form_builder() to safely grab the data out of $_POST.
    $form['check_tables'] = form_builder('dba_check_tables', $form['check_tables']);
    if (!empty($form['check_tables']['tables']['#value'])) {
      $form_tables = explode(',', $form['check_tables']['tables']['#value']);
      $tables = dba_get_active_tables(0, $form_tables);

  // Make sure we have something to do.
  if (empty($tables)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('You must select the tables to check.'), 'error');
  $form['check_options'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Actions'),
  $form['check_options']['check_type'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Check type'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('dba_default_check_type', 'MEDIUM'),
    '#options' => array(
      'QUICK' => t('Quick'),
      'FAST' => t('Fast'),
      'CHANGED' => t('Changed'),
      'MEDIUM' => t('Medium'),
      'EXTENDED' => t('Extended'),
  $form['check_options']['check'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Check again'),

  // Most of the interesting stuff in this form has to be added via
  // #pre_render, so that we can safely use validated form values to
  // dynamically generate other form elements.  In particular, we add
  // a fieldset with the results of whatever operation we perform, and
  // depending on the admin settings and the state of the tables, we
  // might need to add a 'Repair' button, too.
  $form['#pre_render'][] = 'dba_check_table_form_pre_render';

  // We don't want to get redirected, which would run the queries twice.
  $form['#redirect'] = false;
  return $form;