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function checkoff_head in Database Administration 5

Adds the javascript for selecting all tables.

@todo Can be replaced by Checkall module.

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1 call to checkoff_head()
theme_dba_database_overview_form in ./dba.module


./dba.module, line 1512
Allows administrators direct access to their Drupal database. Written by Jeremy Andrews <>, June 2004. PostgreSQL functionality provided by AAM <> Major security audit, porting, and maintenance by Derek…


function checkoff_head() {
  return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">function checkoff(form,toggle){ var i=0;\tfrm=document.forms[form];\tlen = frm.elements.length;\tfor( i=0 ; i<len ; i++) {\tif (frm.elements[i].type=='checkbox') {\tfrm.elements[i].checked=toggle;\t}\t}} </script>";