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function db_maintenance_do_files_backup in DB Maintenance 6.2

1 call to db_maintenance_do_files_backup()
db_maintenance_cron in ./db_maintenance.module
Implementation of hook_cron().


./db_maintenance.module, line 487
Optimizes database tables during cron runs.


function db_maintenance_do_files_backup() {
  $filespath = file_directory_path();
  $tarpath = variable_get('db_maintenance_path_to_tar', '/bin/tar');
  $backupdir = variable_get('db_maintenance_backup_directory', '/tmp');
  $dateformat = 'Ymd_H-i-s';
  $dbname = db_maintenance_get_db_info('dbname');
  $now = time();
  $date = format_date($now, 'custom', $dateformat);
  if (is_file($tarpath) && is_dir($filespath) && is_dir($backupdir)) {
    $backupname = $date . '_' . $dbname . '_files.tar.gz';
    $command = "tar -cvzf {$backupdir}/{$backupname} --exclude=*" . $dbname . "_files.tar.gz --exclude=*" . $dbname . "_db.sql {$filespath}";
    $output = array();
    exec($command, $output, $return);
    $output = implode('<br />', $output);

    // variable_set('db_maintenance_debug', variable_get('db_maintenance_debug', '') . 'TAR: '.$command.' ('. var_export($return, TRUE) .') '. var_export($output, TRUE) ."\n");
    if (!$return) {
      watchdog('db_maintenance', $output, NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return FALSE;
    else {
      if (!is_file($backupdir . '/' . $backupname)) {
        watchdog('db_maintenance', 'failed to create files backup file: !output', array(
          '!output' => $output,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
      return $backupdir . '/' . $backupname;
  else {
    watchdog('db_maintenance', 'Files dir not present, backup dir not present or path to tar incorrect', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;