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function datex_help in Datex 7

Implements hook_help().


./datex.module, line 15
Convert output of date_format() to Jalali in a patched drupal installation.


function datex_help($path, $arg) {
  if ($path == 'admin/help#datex') {
    $output = '<p>';
    $output .= t("By enabling Datex, Gregorian dates generates by drupal function %func will be converted to it's Jalali equivilant.", array(
      '%func' => 'date_format()',
    $output .= '</p><p>';
    $output .= t('Note that this module requires drupal file %file to be patched.', array(
      '%file' => '',
    $output .= t('The patch is in Datex module directory.');
    $output .= '</p>';
    return $output;