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function _datex_integration_mode in Datex 7

Helper function to determine in which mode datex should work.

For more info, look at the datex_admin_form() description.

5 calls to _datex_integration_mode()
datex_datex_format_alter in ./datex.module
Implements hook_datex_format_alter().
datex_form_alter in ./datex.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
datex_handler_field_date::render in views/
Called by views to render field.
datex_preprocess_comment in ./datex.module
Implements hook_preprocess_comment().
datex_preprocess_node in ./datex.module
Implements hook_preprocess_node().


./datex.module, line 103
Convert output of date_format() to Jalali in a patched drupal installation.


function _datex_integration_mode($mode) {
  return $mode === variable_get('datex_integration_method', DATEX_THEMING_METHOD);