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class RlHelper in Recurring Dates Field 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Rl/RlHelper.php \Drupal\date_recur\Rl\RlHelper
  2. 3.0.x src/Rl/RlHelper.php \Drupal\date_recur\Rl\RlHelper
  3. 3.1.x src/Rl/RlHelper.php \Drupal\date_recur\Rl\RlHelper

Helper for recurring rules implemented with rlanvin/rrule.


Expanded class hierarchy of RlHelper

2 files declare their use of RlHelper
DateRecurHelper.php in src/DateRecurHelper.php
DateRecurRlHelperUnitTest.php in tests/src/Unit/DateRecurRlHelperUnitTest.php


src/Rl/RlHelper.php, line 19


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class RlHelper implements DateRecurHelperInterface {

   * The RRULE set.
   * @var \RRule\RSet
  protected $set;

   * The time zone used to normalise other date objects.
   * @var \DateTimeZone
  protected $timeZone;

   * Difference between start date and start date end.
   * Calculated value.
   * @var \DateInterval
  protected $recurDiff;

   * Constructor for DateRecurHelper.
   * @param string $string
   *   The repeat rule.
   * @param \DateTimeInterface $dtStart
   *   The initial occurrence start date.
   * @param \DateTimeInterface|null $dtStartEnd
   *   The initial occurrence end date, or NULL to use start date.
  public function __construct(string $string, \DateTimeInterface $dtStart, ?\DateTimeInterface $dtStartEnd = NULL) {
    $dtStartEnd = $dtStartEnd ?? clone $dtStart;
    $this->recurDiff = $dtStart
    $this->timeZone = $dtStart

    // Ensure the string is prefixed with RRULE if not multiline.
    if (strpos($string, "\n") === FALSE && strpos($string, 'RRULE:') !== 0) {
      $string = "RRULE:{$string}";
    $parts = [
      'RRULE' => [],
      'RDATE' => [],
      'EXRULE' => [],
      'EXDATE' => [],
    $lines = explode("\n", $string);
    foreach ($lines as $n => $line) {
      $line = trim($line);
      if (FALSE === strpos($line, ':')) {
        throw new DateRecurHelperArgumentException(sprintf('Multiline RRULE must be prefixed with either: RRULE, EXDATE, EXRULE, or RDATE. Missing for line %s', $n + 1));
      ] = explode(':', $line, 2);
      if (!isset($parts[$part])) {
        throw new DateRecurHelperArgumentException("Unsupported line: " . $part);
      $parts[$part][] = $partValue;
    if (($count = count($parts['RRULE'])) !== 1) {
      throw new DateRecurHelperArgumentException(sprintf('One RRULE must be provided. %d provided.', $count));
    $this->set = new RSet();
    foreach ($parts as $type => $values) {
      foreach ($values as $value) {
        switch ($type) {
          case 'RRULE':
              ->addRRule(new RRule($value, $dtStart));
          case 'RDATE':
            $dates = RfcParser::parseRDate('RDATE:' . $value);
            array_walk($dates, function (\DateTimeInterface $value) : void {
          case 'EXDATE':
            $dates = RfcParser::parseExDate('EXDATE:' . $value);
            array_walk($dates, function (\DateTimeInterface $value) : void {
          case 'EXRULE':

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function createInstance(string $string, \DateTimeInterface $dtStart, ?\DateTimeInterface $dtStartEnd = NULL) : DateRecurHelperInterface {
    return new static($string, $dtStart, $dtStartEnd);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getRules() : array {
    return array_map(function (RRule $rule) : RlDateRecurRule {

      // RL returns all parts, even if no values originally provided. Filter
      // out the useless parts.
      $parts = array_filter($rule
      return new RlDateRecurRule($parts);
    }, $this->set

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isInfinite() : bool {
    return $this->set

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function generateOccurrences(?\DateTimeInterface $rangeStart = NULL, ?\DateTimeInterface $rangeEnd = NULL) : \Generator {
    foreach ($this->set as $occurrenceStart) {

      /** @var \DateTime $occurrence */
      $occurrenceEnd = clone $occurrenceStart;
      if ($rangeStart) {
        if ($occurrenceStart < $rangeStart && $occurrenceEnd < $rangeStart) {
      if ($rangeEnd) {
        if ($occurrenceStart > $rangeEnd && $occurrenceEnd > $rangeEnd) {
      (yield new DateRange($occurrenceStart, $occurrenceEnd));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getOccurrences(\DateTimeInterface $rangeStart = NULL, ?\DateTimeInterface $rangeEnd = NULL, ?int $limit = NULL) : array {
    if ($this
      ->isInfinite() && !isset($rangeEnd) && !isset($limit)) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An infinite rule must have a date or count limit.');
    $generator = $this
      ->generateOccurrences($rangeStart, $rangeEnd);
    if (isset($limit)) {
      if (!is_int($limit) || $limit < 0) {

        // Limit must be a number and more than zero.
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid count limit.');

      // Generate occurrences until the limit is reached.
      $occurrences = [];
      foreach ($generator as $value) {
        if (count($occurrences) >= $limit) {
        $occurrences[] = $value;
      return $occurrences;
    return iterator_to_array($generator);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getExcluded() : array {

    // Implementation normally returns the same time zone as the EXDATE from the
    // rule string, normalise it here.
    return array_map(function (\DateTime $date) : \DateTime {
      return $date
    }, $this->set

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function current() : DateRange {
    $occurrenceStart = $this->set
    $occurrenceEnd = clone $occurrenceStart;
    return new DateRange($occurrenceStart, $occurrenceEnd);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function next() : void {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function key() : ?int {
    return $this->set

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function valid() : bool {
    return $this->set

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function rewind() : void {

   * Get the set.
   * @return \RRule\RSet
   *   Returns the set.
   * @internal this method is specific to rlanvin/rrule implementation only.
  public function getRlRuleset() : RSet {
    return $this->set;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RlHelper::$recurDiff protected property Difference between start date and start date end.
RlHelper::$set protected property The RRULE set.
RlHelper::$timeZone protected property The time zone used to normalise other date objects.
RlHelper::createInstance public static function Create a new instance. Overrides DateRecurHelperInterface::createInstance
RlHelper::current public function
RlHelper::generateOccurrences public function Calculates occurrences as a generator. Overrides DateRecurHelperInterface::generateOccurrences
RlHelper::getExcluded public function Get excluded dates. Overrides DateRecurHelperInterface::getExcluded
RlHelper::getOccurrences public function Get all occurrences. Overrides DateRecurHelperInterface::getOccurrences
RlHelper::getRlRuleset public function Get the set.
RlHelper::getRules public function Get the rules that comprise this helper. Overrides DateRecurHelperInterface::getRules
RlHelper::isInfinite public function Determine whether this is infinite. Overrides DateRecurHelperInterface::isInfinite
RlHelper::key public function
RlHelper::next public function
RlHelper::rewind public function
RlHelper::valid public function
RlHelper::__construct public function Constructor for DateRecurHelper.