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class DateRecurViewsHooks in Recurring Dates Field 3.1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/DateRecurViewsHooks.php \Drupal\date_recur\DateRecurViewsHooks
  2. 3.x src/DateRecurViewsHooks.php \Drupal\date_recur\DateRecurViewsHooks
  3. 3.0.x src/DateRecurViewsHooks.php \Drupal\date_recur\DateRecurViewsHooks

Defines Views hooks.


Expanded class hierarchy of DateRecurViewsHooks

1 file declares its use of DateRecurViewsHooks
date_recur.module in ./date_recur.module


src/DateRecurViewsHooks.php, line 28


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class DateRecurViewsHooks implements ContainerInjectionInterface {
  use StringTranslationTrait;

   * The active database connection.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $database;

   * Module handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * Entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The entity field manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface
  protected $entityFieldManager;

   * The typed data manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManagerInterface
  protected $typedDataManager;

   * DateRecurViewsHooks constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection
   *   The active database connection.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler
   *   Module handler.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager
   *   Entity type manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface $entityFieldManager
   *   The entity field manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataManagerInterface $typedDataManager
   *   The typed data manager.
  public function __construct(Connection $connection, ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager, EntityFieldManagerInterface $entityFieldManager, TypedDataManagerInterface $typedDataManager) {
    $this->database = $connection;
    $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager;
    $this->entityFieldManager = $entityFieldManager;
    $this->typedDataManager = $typedDataManager;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('database'), $container
      ->get('module_handler'), $container
      ->get('entity_type.manager'), $container
      ->get('entity_field.manager'), $container

   * Implements hook_views_data().
   * @see \hook_views_data()
   * @see \date_recur_views_data()
  public function viewsData() : array {
    $allFields = $this
    $data = [];
    foreach ($allFields as $entityTypeId => $fields) {
      $entityType = $this->entityTypeManager

      /** @var \Drupal\views\EntityViewsDataInterface $viewsData */
      $viewsData = $this->entityTypeManager
        ->id(), 'views_data');
      $entityViewsTable = $viewsData

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface[] $fields */
      foreach ($fields as $fieldId => $field) {
        $fieldLabel = $this
          ->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $fieldId);
        $fieldName = $field
        $entityIdField = $entityType
        $entityRevisionField = $entityType
          ->isRevisionable() ? $entityType
          ->getKey('revision') : NULL;
        $tArgs = [
          '@field_name' => $fieldLabel,
          '@entity_type' => $entityType

        // Occurrence filter.
        $data[$entityViewsTable][$fieldName . '_occurrences']['filter'] = [
          'id' => 'date_recur_occurrences_filter',
          'title' => $this
            ->t('Occurrences filter for @field_name', $tArgs),
          // Instruct the filter to join the occurrence.entity_id field on
          // base.entityId:
          'field base entity_id' => $entityIdField,
          'date recur field name' => $fieldName,
          'entity_type' => $entityType

        // Relationship from entity table to occurrence table.
        $occurrenceTableName = DateRecurOccurrences::getOccurrenceCacheStorageTableName($field);
        $data[$entityViewsTable][$fieldName . '_occurrences']['relationship'] = [
          'id' => 'standard',
          'base' => $occurrenceTableName,
          'base field' => isset($entityRevisionField) ? 'revision_id' : 'entity_id',
          'help' => $this
            ->t('Get all occurrences for recurring date field @field_name', $tArgs),
          'field' => $entityRevisionField ?? $entityIdField,
          // Add new 'title'.
          'title' => $this
            ->t('Occurrences of @field_name', $tArgs),
          // Default label for relationship in the UI.
          'label' => $this
            ->t('Occurrences of @field_name', $tArgs),
        $dateField = [
          'id' => 'date_recur_date',
          'source date format' => $this
          'source time zone' => DateTimeItemInterface::STORAGE_TIMEZONE,
        $data[$occurrenceTableName][$fieldName . '_value']['field'] = $dateField;
        $data[$occurrenceTableName][$fieldName . '_end_value']['field'] = $dateField;

        // Attached fields get automatic functionality provided by
        // hook_field_views_data(). Add features here for base fields.
        if ($field instanceof BaseFieldDefinition) {
          $data[$occurrenceTableName]['table']['group'] = $this
            ->t('Occurrences for @entity_type @field_name', [
            '@entity_type' => $entityType
            '@field_name' => $fieldLabel,
          $startField = $fieldName . '_value';
          $endField = $fieldName . '_end_value';
          $data[$occurrenceTableName][$startField]['title'] = $this
            ->t('Occurrence start date');
          $data[$occurrenceTableName][$endField]['title'] = $this
            ->t('Occurrence end date');

          // Sort.
          // datetime_range_field_views_data() uses 'datetime', which relies
          // on entity things.
          $data[$occurrenceTableName][$startField]['sort']['id'] = 'date';
          $data[$occurrenceTableName][$endField]['sort']['id'] = 'date';
    return $data;

   * Implements hook_views_data_alter().
   * @see \hook_views_data_alter()
   * @see \date_recur_views_data_alter()
  public function viewsDataAlter(array &$data) : void {
    $removeFieldKeys = $this
    $removeFieldKeys = array_flip($removeFieldKeys);

    // Base fields don't yet have an option to provide defaults for their type,
    // but entity views data still tries to add default views integration for
    // the field primitives in
    // \Drupal\views\EntityViewsData::mapSingleFieldViewsData
    // Feature to add in:
    // Remove the default plugins from entity views data since they are not
    // something that should be supported. This also means adding plugins for
    // date recur base fields cannot be added in hook_views_data or
    // entity 'views_data' handlers..
    // @todo bring in all plugins from \datetime_range_field_views_data() if/when
    // it supports base fields.
    $allFields = $this
    foreach ($allFields as $entityTypeId => $fields) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlEntityStorageInterface $entityStorage */
      $entityStorage = $this->entityTypeManager

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\DefaultTableMapping $tableMapping */
      $tableMapping = $entityStorage

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface[] $fields */
      foreach ($fields as $fieldId => $fieldStorage) {
        if (!$fieldStorage instanceof BaseFieldDefinition) {
        if ($tableMapping
          ->requiresDedicatedTableStorage($fieldStorage)) {
          $fieldTable = $tableMapping
          $fieldData =& $data[$fieldTable];

          // Remove handler keys within each field. Keys like 'title', 'help'
          // etc are ignored. Whereas 'argument', 'field', etc are removed.
          foreach ($fieldData as &$field) {
            $field = array_diff_key($field, $removeFieldKeys);

   * Implements hook_field_views_data().
   * @see \hook_field_views_data()
   * @see \date_recur_field_views_data()
  public function fieldViewsData(FieldStorageConfigInterface $fieldDefinition) : array {
    $data = [];
    $entityTypeId = $fieldDefinition
    $entityType = $this->entityTypeManager

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlEntityStorageInterface $entityStorage */
    $entityStorage = $this->entityTypeManager

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\DefaultTableMapping $tableMapping */
    $tableMapping = $entityStorage
    $fieldName = $fieldDefinition

    // The field label, see also usage in
    $fieldLabel = $this
      ->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $fieldDefinition
    $fieldTableName = $tableMapping
    $parentData = $this
    if (empty($parentData)) {
      return $data;
    $originalTable = $parentData[$fieldTableName];
    $occurrenceTableName = DateRecurOccurrences::getOccurrenceCacheStorageTableName($fieldDefinition);
    if ($this->database
      ->tableExists($occurrenceTableName)) {
      $occurrenceTable = $originalTable;

      // Remove the automatic join, requires site builders to use relationship
      // plugin.

      // Unset some irrelevant fields.
      foreach (array_keys($occurrenceTable) as $fieldId) {
        $fieldId = (string) $fieldId;
        if ($fieldId === 'table' || strpos($fieldId, $fieldName . '_value', 0) !== FALSE || strpos($fieldId, $fieldName . '_end_value', 0) !== FALSE) {

      // Update table name references.
      $handlerTypes = $this
      $recurTableGroup = $this
        ->t('Occurrences for @entity_type @field_name', [
        '@entity_type' => $entityType
        '@field_name' => $fieldLabel,
      foreach ($occurrenceTable as $fieldId => &$field) {
        $field['group'] = $recurTableGroup;
        foreach ($handlerTypes as $handlerType) {
          if (!empty($field[$handlerType]['table'])) {
            $field[$handlerType]['table'] = $occurrenceTableName;
            $field[$handlerType]['additional fields'] = [
              $fieldName . '_value',
              $fieldName . '_end_value',
      $data[$occurrenceTableName] = $occurrenceTable;
    $fieldTable = $originalTable;

    // Change the title for all plugins provided by
    // \datetime_range_field_views_data().
    foreach ($fieldTable as $key => &$definitions) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup|string|null $originalTitle */
      $originalTitle = $definitions['title'] ?? '';
      $tArgs = $originalTitle instanceof TranslatableMarkup ? $originalTitle
        ->getArguments() : [];
      $tArgs['@field_label'] = $fieldLabel;
      if ($fieldName === $key) {
        $definitions['title'] = isset($tArgs['@argument']) ? $this
          ->t('@field_label (@argument)', $tArgs) : $this
          ->t('@field_label', $tArgs);
      elseif (strpos($key, $fieldName . '_value', 0) !== FALSE) {
        $definitions['title'] = isset($tArgs['@argument']) ? $this
          ->t('@field_label: first occurrence start date (@argument)', $tArgs) : $this
          ->t('@field_label: first occurrence start date', $tArgs);
      elseif (strpos($key, $fieldName . '_end_value', 0) !== FALSE) {
        $definitions['title'] = isset($tArgs['@argument']) ? $this
          ->t('@field_label: first occurrence end date (@argument)', $tArgs) : $this
          ->t('@field_label: first occurrence end date', $tArgs);
      elseif (strpos($key, $fieldName . '_rrule', 0) !== FALSE) {
        $definitions['title'] = $this
          ->t('@field_label: recurring rule', $tArgs);
      elseif (strpos($key, $fieldName . '_timezone', 0) !== FALSE) {
        $definitions['title'] = $this
          ->t('@field_label: time zone', $tArgs);
      elseif (strpos($key, $fieldName . '_infinite', 0) !== FALSE) {
        $definitions['title'] = $this
          ->t('@field_label: is infinite', $tArgs);
      elseif ('delta' === $key) {
        $definitions['title'] = $this
          ->t('@field_label: field delta', $tArgs);
    $data[$fieldTableName] = $fieldTable;
    return $data;

   * Get date recur fields for entities supporting views.
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays of date recur fields keyed by entity type ID.
  protected function getDateRecurFields() : array {

    // Date recur fields keyed by entity type id.
    $fields = [];

    // Get all date recur fields as base and attached fields.
    foreach ($this->entityTypeManager
      ->getDefinitions() as $entityType) {

      // \Drupal\views\EntityViewsData class only allows entities with
      // \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlEntityStorageInterface.
      // Only fieldable entities have base fields.
      if ($this->entityTypeManager
        ->id()) instanceof SqlEntityStorageInterface && $entityType
        ->hasHandlerClass('views_data') && $entityType
        ->entityClassImplements(FieldableEntityInterface::class)) {
          ->id()] = array_filter($this->entityFieldManager
          ->id()), function (FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field) : bool {
          $typeDefinition = $this->typedDataManager
            ->getDefinition('field_item:' . $field

          // @see \Drupal\date_recur\DateRecurCachedHooks::fieldInfoAlter
          return isset($typeDefinition[DateRecurOccurrences::IS_DATE_RECUR]);

    // Remove entity types with no date recur fields.
    $fields = array_filter($fields);
    return $fields;

   * Get the most popular label for a field storage.
   * @param string $entityTypeId
   *   The entity type ID.
   * @param string $fieldName
   *   The field.
   * @return string
   *   The most popular label for a field storage.
  protected function getFieldLabel($entityTypeId, $fieldName) : string {
    return \views_entity_field_label($entityTypeId, $fieldName)[0];

   * Get the views definition for the field, as defined by datetime_range.
   * @param \Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface $fieldDefinition
   *   A field storage definition.
   * @return array
   *   The views data for a field.
  protected function getParentFieldViewsData(FieldStorageConfigInterface $fieldDefinition) : array {
      ->loadInclude('datetime_range', 'inc', 'datetime_range.views');
    return \datetime_range_field_views_data($fieldDefinition);

   * Get an array of all views plugin types.
   * @return array
   *   An array of all views plugin types.
  protected function getViewsPluginTypes() : array {
    return Views::getPluginTypes();

   * Get date format of field storage.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $fieldDefinition
   *   A field definition.
   * @return string
   *   A date format.
  protected function getFieldDateFormat(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $fieldDefinition) : string {
    return $fieldDefinition
      ->getSetting('datetime_type') == DateTimeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE ? DateTimeItemInterface::DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT : DateTimeItemInterface::DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DateRecurViewsHooks::$database protected property The active database connection.
DateRecurViewsHooks::$entityFieldManager protected property The entity field manager.
DateRecurViewsHooks::$entityTypeManager protected property Entity type manager.
DateRecurViewsHooks::$moduleHandler protected property Module handler.
DateRecurViewsHooks::$typedDataManager protected property The typed data manager.
DateRecurViewsHooks::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides ContainerInjectionInterface::create
DateRecurViewsHooks::fieldViewsData public function Implements hook_field_views_data().
DateRecurViewsHooks::getDateRecurFields protected function Get date recur fields for entities supporting views.
DateRecurViewsHooks::getFieldDateFormat protected function Get date format of field storage.
DateRecurViewsHooks::getFieldLabel protected function Get the most popular label for a field storage.
DateRecurViewsHooks::getParentFieldViewsData protected function Get the views definition for the field, as defined by datetime_range.
DateRecurViewsHooks::getViewsPluginTypes protected function Get an array of all views plugin types.
DateRecurViewsHooks::viewsData public function Implements hook_views_data().
DateRecurViewsHooks::viewsDataAlter public function Implements hook_views_data_alter().
DateRecurViewsHooks::__construct public function DateRecurViewsHooks constructor.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 4
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.