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function date_ical_theme_registry_alter in Date iCal 7

Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().

Technique borrowed from Display Suite module. Add a custom preprocess hook that will work for all types of entities


./date_ical.module, line 147
Adds ical functionality to Views.


function date_ical_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  $entity_info = entity_get_info();
  foreach ($entity_info as $entity => $info) {

    // User uses user_profile for theming.
    if ($entity == 'user') {
      $entity = 'user_profile';

    // Only add preprocess functions if entity exposes theme function.
    if (isset($theme_registry[$entity])) {
      $theme_registry[$entity]['preprocess functions'][] = 'date_ical_preprocess_date_ical';

  // Support for File Entity.
  if (isset($theme_registry['file_entity'])) {
    $theme_registry['file_entity']['preprocess functions'][] = 'date_ical_preprocess_date_ical';

  // Support for Entity API.
  if (isset($theme_registry['entity'])) {
    $theme_registry['entity']['preprocess functions'][] = 'date_ical_preprocess_date_ical';