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function date_tools_page in Date 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 date_tools/date_tools.module \date_tools_page()
  2. 6.2 date_tools/date_tools.module \date_tools_page()
  3. 7 date_tools/date_tools.module \date_tools_page()
  4. 7.2 date_tools/date_tools.module \date_tools_page()

Main Date Tools page.

1 string reference to 'date_tools_page'
date_tools_menu in date_tools/date_tools.module
Implements hook_menu().


date_tools/date_tools.module, line 86
Primary hook implementations for the Date Tools module.


function date_tools_page() {
  return t('Dates and calendars can be complicated to set up. The !date_wizard makes it easy to create a simple date content type and related calendar.', array(
    '!date_wizard' => l(t('Date wizard'), 'admin/config/date/tools/date_wizard'),