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function theme_date_repeat_display in Date 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 date_repeat_field/date_repeat_field.module \theme_date_repeat_display()
  2. 5.2 date/date.theme \theme_date_repeat_display()
  3. 6.2 date/date.theme \theme_date_repeat_display()
  4. 6 date/date.theme \theme_date_repeat_display()
  5. 7 date.theme \theme_date_repeat_display()
  6. 7.2 date_repeat_field/date_repeat_field.module \theme_date_repeat_display()

Theme the human-readable description for a Date Repeat rule.

@todo Add in ways to store the description in the date so it isn't regenerated over and over and find a way to allow description to be shown or hidden.

1 string reference to 'theme_date_repeat_display'
date_repeat_field_theme in date_repeat_field/date_repeat_field.module
Implements hook_theme().
1 theme call to theme_date_repeat_display()
theme_date_display_combination in ./date.theme
Returns HTML for a date element formatted as a Start/End combination.


date_repeat_field/date_repeat_field.module, line 51
Creates the option of Repeating Date fields and manages Date Repeat fields.


function theme_date_repeat_display($vars) {
  $field = $vars['field'];
  $item = $vars['item'];
  $entity = !empty($vars['node']) ? $vars['node'] : NULL;
  $output = '';
  if (!empty($item['rrule'])) {
    $output = date_repeat_rrule_description($item['rrule']);
    $output = '<div class="date-repeat-rule">' . $output . '</div>';
  return $output;