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function date_repeat_rrule_description in Date 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 date_repeat/date_repeat.module \date_repeat_rrule_description()
  2. 5.2 date_repeat/date_repeat.module \date_repeat_rrule_description()
  3. 6.2 date_repeat/date_repeat.module \date_repeat_rrule_description()
  4. 6 date_repeat/date_repeat.module \date_repeat_rrule_description()
  5. 7.3 date_repeat/date_repeat.module \date_repeat_rrule_description()
  6. 7 date_repeat/date_repeat.module \date_repeat_rrule_description()

Build a description of an iCal rule.

Constructs a human-readable description of the rule.

1 call to date_repeat_rrule_description()
theme_date_repeat_display in date_repeat_field/date_repeat_field.module
Theme the human-readable description for a Date Repeat rule.


date_repeat/date_repeat.module, line 219
Primary hook implementations for the Date Repeat module.


function date_repeat_rrule_description($rrule, $format = 'D M d Y') {

  // Empty or invalid value.
  if (empty($rrule) || !strstr($rrule, 'RRULE')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'date_api', 'date_api_ical');
  module_load_include('inc', 'date_repeat', 'date_repeat_calc');
  $parts = date_repeat_split_rrule($rrule);
  $additions = $parts[2];
  $exceptions = $parts[1];
  $rrule = $parts[0];
  if ($rrule['FREQ'] == 'NONE') {

  // Make sure there will be an empty description for any unused parts.
  $description = array(
    '!interval' => '',
    '!byday' => '',
    '!bymonth' => '',
    '!count' => '',
    '!until' => '',
    '!except' => '',
    '!additional' => '',
    '!week_starts_on' => '',
  $interval = date_repeat_interval_options();
  switch ($rrule['FREQ']) {
    case 'WEEKLY':
      $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every week', 'every @count weeks') . ' ';
    case 'MONTHLY':
      $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every month', 'every @count months') . ' ';
    case 'YEARLY':
      $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every year', 'every @count years') . ' ';
      $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every day', 'every @count days') . ' ';
  if (!empty($rrule['BYDAY'])) {
    $days = date_repeat_dow_day_options();
    $counts = date_repeat_dow_count_options();
    $results = array();
    foreach ($rrule['BYDAY'] as $byday) {

      // Get the numeric part of the BYDAY option, i.e. +3 from +3MO.
      $day = substr($byday, -2);
      $count = str_replace($day, '', $byday);
      if (!empty($count)) {

        // See if there is a 'pretty' option for this count, i.e. +1 => First.
        $order = array_key_exists($count, $counts) ? strtolower($counts[$count]) : $count;
        $results[] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval on the !date_order !day_of_week', array(
          '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
          '!date_order' => $order,
          '!day_of_week' => $days[$day],
      else {
        $results[] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval every !day_of_week', array(
          '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
          '!day_of_week' => $days[$day],
    $description['!byday'] = implode(' ' . t('and') . ' ', $results);
  if (!empty($rrule['BYMONTH'])) {
    if (count($rrule['BYMONTH']) < 12) {
      $results = array();
      $months = date_month_names();
      foreach ($rrule['BYMONTH'] as $month) {
        $results[] = $months[$month];
      if (!empty($rrule['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
        $description['!bymonth'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval on the !month_days of !month_names', array(
          '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
          '!month_days' => implode(', ', $rrule['BYMONTHDAY']),
          '!month_names' => implode(', ', $results),
      else {
        $description['!bymonth'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval on !month_names', array(
          '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
          '!month_names' => implode(', ', $results),
  if ($rrule['INTERVAL'] < 1) {
    $rrule['INTERVAL'] = 1;
  if (!empty($rrule['COUNT'])) {
    $description['!count'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval !count times', array(
      '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
      '!count' => $rrule['COUNT'],
  if (!empty($rrule['UNTIL'])) {
    $until = date_ical_date($rrule['UNTIL'], 'UTC');
    date_timezone_set($until, date_default_timezone_object());
    $description['!until'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval until !until_date', array(
      '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
      '!until_date' => date_format_date($until, 'custom', $format),
  if ($exceptions) {
    $values = array();
    foreach ($exceptions as $exception) {
      $except = date_ical_date($exception, 'UTC');
      date_timezone_set($except, date_default_timezone_object());
      $values[] = date_format_date($except, 'custom', $format);
    $description['!except'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval except !except_dates', array(
      '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
      '!except_dates' => implode(', ', $values),
  if (!empty($rrule['WKST'])) {
    $day_names = date_repeat_dow_day_options();
    $description['!week_starts_on'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval where the week start on !day_of_week', array(
      '!repeats_every_interval ' => '',
      '!day_of_week' => $day_names[trim($rrule['WKST'])],
  if ($additions) {
    $values = array();
    foreach ($additions as $addition) {
      $add = date_ical_date($addition, 'UTC');
      date_timezone_set($add, date_default_timezone_object());
      $values[] = date_format_date($add, 'custom', $format);
    $description['!additional'] = trim(t('Also includes !additional_dates.', array(
      '!additional_dates' => implode(', ', $values),
  $output = t('Repeats !interval !bymonth !byday !count !until !except. !additional', $description);

  // Removes double whitespaces from Repeat tile.
  $output = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $output);

  // Removes whitespace before full stop ".", at the end of the title.
  $output = str_replace(' .', '.', $output);
  return $output;