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function date_calc_begin_of_prev_week in Date 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 date_php4/ \date_calc_begin_of_prev_week()
  2. 6 date_php4/ \date_calc_begin_of_prev_week()

Find the month day of the beginning of week before given date, using variable_get('date_first_day', 1). Can return weekday of prev month.


int $day: The day of the month.

int $month: The month.

int $year: The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000.

string $format: The string indicating how to format the output.

Return value

string The date in the desired format.

1 string reference to 'date_calc_begin_of_prev_week' in date_php4/


date_php4/, line 1141


function date_calc_begin_of_prev_week($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) {
  if (empty($year)) {
    $year = date_calc_get_year();
  if (empty($month)) {
    $month = date_calc_get_month();
  if (empty($day)) {
    $day = date_calc_get_day();
  $date = date_calc_days_to_date(date_calc_date_to_days($day - 7, $month, $year), '%Y%m%d');
  $prev_week_year = intval(substr($date, 0, 4));
  $prev_week_month = intval(substr($date, 4, 2));
  $prev_week_day = intval(substr($date, 6, 2));
  return date_calc_begin_of_week($prev_week_day, $prev_week_month, $prev_week_year, $format);