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function date_views_filter_value in Date 5.2

Create a default value for an exposed filter form.

Hacky solution, but seems to be the only way to get the exposed filter to display the right values.

3 calls to date_views_filter_value()
date_popup_process in date_popup/date_popup.module
Javascript popup element processing. Add popup attributes to $element.
date_select_process in ./
Flexible date/time drop-down selector.
date_text_process in ./
Text date input form.


./date_api.module, line 1602
This module will make the date API available to other modules. Designed to provide a light but flexible assortment of functions and constants, with more functionality in additional files that are not loaded unless other modules specifically include them.


function date_views_filter_value($element) {
  if (!empty($element['#views_filter'])) {
    $name = $element['#name'];
    if (empty($_GET[$name])) {
      $view = $GLOBALS['current_view'];
      $exposed_delta = trim(str_replace('filter', '', $name));
      $exposed_field = $view->exposed_filter[$exposed_delta]['field'];
      foreach ((array) $view->filter as $delta => $filter) {
        if ($filter['field'] == $exposed_field && $delta == $exposed_delta) {
          $adjustment = $filter['options'];
          $value = $filter['value'];
          $op = $filter['operator'];

      // Don't inject a date value if there is no default set.
      if (empty($value) && empty($adjustment)) {

      // Don't inject a date value if we're in the Views UI.
      $current_path = explode('/', $_GET['q']);
      if (array_pop($current_path) == 'edit') {
      if (!empty($adjustment)) {
        $now = date_now();
        date_modify($now, $adjustment);
      else {
        $now = date_make_date($value);
      switch ($element['#type']) {
        case 'date_select':
          $form_value = date_convert($now, DATE_OBJECT, DATE_ARRAY);
        case 'date_popup':
          $form_value = array(
            'date' => date_format($now, date_limit_format($element['#date_format'], array(
            'time' => date_format($now, date_limit_format($element['#date_format'], array(
          $form_value = date_format($now, $element['#date_format']);
      return $form_value;