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24 calls to date_t() in Date 6.2

date-navigation.tpl.php in theme/date-navigation.tpl.php
Template to display date navigation links.
date_ampm in ./date_api.module
An array of am and pm options.
date_api_argument_handler::options_form in includes/
Add a form element to select date_fields for this argument.
date_format_date in ./date_api.module
Reworked from Drupal's format_date function to handle pre-1970 and post-2038 dates and accept a date object instead of a timestamp as input.
date_granularity_names in ./date_api.module
Array of granularity options and their labels
date_month_names in ./date_api.module
A translated array of month names
date_month_names_abbr in ./date_api.module
A translated array of month name abbreviations
date_order_translated in ./date_api.module
Helper function for BYDAY options in Date Repeat and for converting back and forth from '+1' to 'First'.
date_popup_process_date in date_popup/date_popup.module
Process the date portion of the element.
date_repeat_dow_count_options in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Helper function for BYDAY options.
date_repeat_dow_day_options in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Helper function for FREQ options.
date_sql_handler::date_parts in ./
An array of all date parts, optionally limited to an array of allowed parts.
date_week_days in ./date_api.module
A translated array of week days
date_week_days_abbr in ./date_api.module
An translated array of week day abbreviations.
FREQ_options in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Helper function for FREQ options.
INTERVAL_options in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
theme_date_all_day_label in date/date.theme
Theme the way an 'all day' label will look.
theme_date_part_label_day in theme/
theme_date_part_label_hour in theme/
theme_date_part_label_minute in theme/
theme_date_part_label_month in theme/
theme_date_part_label_second in theme/
theme_date_part_label_year in theme/
Format labels for each date part in a date_select.
_date_repeat_rrule_process in date_repeat/
Generate the repeat setting form.