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31 calls to date_make_date() in Date 6

date_api_filter_handler::date_filter in ./
date_combo_validate in date/
Validate and update a combo element. Don't try this if there were errors before reaching this point.
date_convert in ./date_api.module
Date conversion helper function.
date_copy_convert_events in date_copy/date_copy.module
date_data_integrity in date/date.install
Progressive update of date information, integrity checking of all date values.
date_days in ./date_api.module
An array of days.
date_formatter_process in date/date.module
Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_ical_date in ./
Return a date object for the ical date, adjusted to its local timezone.
date_ical_parse_duration in ./
Parse the duration of the event. Example: DURATION:PT1H30M DURATION:P1Y2M
date_local_date in date/
Create local date object.
date_now in ./date_api.module
A date object for the current time.
date_popup_input_value in date_popup/date_popup.module
Helper function for extracting a date value out of user input.
date_popup_process in date_popup/date_popup.module
Javascript popup element processing. Add popup attributes to $element.
date_repeat_set_month_day in date_repeat/
Set a date object to a specific day of the month.
date_repeat_set_year_day in date_repeat/
Set a date object to a specific day of the year.
date_select_process in ./
Flexible date/time drop-down selector.
date_sql_handler::arg_range in ./
Use the parsed values from the ISO argument to determine the min and max date for this period.
date_sql_handler::get_offset in ./
Return timezone offset for the date being processed.
date_sql_handler::sql_where_date in ./
Create a where clause to compare a complete date field to a complete date value.
date_text_process in ./
Text date input form.
date_timezone_requirements in date_timezone/date_timezone.install
Implementation of hook_requirements(). Make sure a site timezone name has been selected.
date_timezone_update_site in date_timezone/date_timezone.module
Callback from site timezone settings form to update site timezone info. When the timezone name is updated, update the offset as well.
date_timezone_update_user in date_timezone/date_timezone.module
Callback from user timezone settings form to update user timezone info. When the timezone name is updated, update the offset as well.
date_token_values in date/
date_week in ./date_api.module
The calendar week number for a date.
date_weeks_in_year in ./date_api.module
The number of calendar weeks in a year.
date_week_range in ./date_api.module
Start and end dates for a calendar week, adjusted to use the chosen first day of week for this site.
theme_date_format_interval in date/date.theme
Theme a format interval for a date element
_date_content_generate in date/
Implementation of Devel module's hook_content_generate().
_date_repeat_calc in date_repeat/
Private implementation of date_repeat_calc().
_date_repeat_widget_validate in date/
Validation for date repeat form element.