date_timezone.install in Date 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Installation file for Date Timezone
date_timezone/date_timezone.installView source
// Updates happen in random order, whether or not the module is enabled,
// so include critical code here just to be sure.
include_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/date_api.module';
function date_timezone_module_uninstall() {
$ret = array();
return $ret;
* @file
* Installation file for Date Timezone
* Implementation of hook_requirements().
* Make sure a site timezone name has been selected.
function date_timezone_requirements($phase) {
$requirements = array();
$t = get_t();
$error = FALSE;
$value = array();
switch ($phase) {
case 'runtime':
$tz_name = variable_get('date_default_timezone_name', NULL);
if ($tz_name === NULL) {
$error = TRUE;
$value = $t('The Date Timezone module requires you to !link.', array(
'!link' => l($t('set the site timezone name'), 'admin/settings/date-time'),
elseif (function_exists('date_create')) {
$date = date_make_date('now', $tz_name);
if (date_offset_get($date) != variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0)) {
$error = TRUE;
$value = $t('The !link may not be correct.', array(
'!link' => l($t('site timezone name'), 'admin/settings/date-time'),
if ($error) {
$requirements['date_default_timezone'] = array(
'title' => $t('Date Timezone requirements'),
'value' => $value,
'severity' => $severity,
return $requirements;
* Get rid of deprecated timezone names.
function date_timezone_update_5200() {
$ret = array();
$old = variable_get('date_default_timezone_name', NULL);
if (!empty($old)) {
$new = date_timezone_replacement($old);
if (!empty($new) && $new != $old) {
variable_set('date_default_timezone_name', $new);
$results = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT timezone_name FROM {users} ORDER BY timezone_name");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($results)) {
if (!empty($row->timezone_name)) {
$new = date_timezone_replacement($row->timezone_name);
if (!empty($new) && $new != $row->timezone_name) {
db_query("UPDATE {users} SET timezone_name = '%s' WHERE timezone_name = '%s'", $new, $row->timezone_name);
// Make sure the timezone name list gets updated.
cache_clear_all('date_timezone_identifiers_list', 'cache');
date_timezone_names(FALSE, TRUE);
return $ret;
* Create replacement values for deprecated timezone names.
function _date_timezone_replacement($old) {
$replace = array(
'Brazil/Acre' => 'America/Rio_Branco',
'Brazil/DeNoronha' => 'America/Noronha',
'Brazil/East' => 'America/Recife',
'Brazil/West' => 'America/Manaus',
'Canada/Atlantic' => 'America/Halifax',
'Canada/Central' => 'America/Winnipeg',
'Canada/East-Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina',
'Canada/Eastern' => 'America/Toronto',
'Canada/Mountain' => 'America/Edmonton',
'Canada/Newfoundland' => 'America/St_Johns',
'Canada/Pacific' => 'America/Vancouver',
'Canada/Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina',
'Canada/Yukon' => 'America/Whitehorse',
'CET' => 'Europe/Berlin',
'Chile/Continental' => 'America/Santiago',
'Chile/EasterIsland' => 'Pacific/Easter',
'CST6CDT' => 'America/Chicago',
'Cuba' => 'America/Havana',
'EET' => 'Europe/Bucharest',
'Egypt' => 'Africa/Cairo',
'Eire' => 'Europe/Belfast',
'EST' => 'America/New_York',
'EST5EDT' => 'America/New_York',
'GB' => 'Europe/London',
'GB-Eire' => 'Europe/Belfast',
'Etc/GMT' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+0' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+1' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+10' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+11' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+12' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+2' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+3' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+4' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+5' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+6' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+7' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+8' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT+9' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-0' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-1' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-10' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-11' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-12' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-13' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-14' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-2' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-3' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-4' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-5' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-6' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-7' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-8' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT-9' => 'UTC',
'Etc/GMT0' => 'UTC',
'Etc/Greenwich' => 'UTC',
'Etc/UCT' => 'UTC',
'Etc/Universal' => 'UTC',
'Etc/UTC' => 'UTC',
'Etc/Zulu' => 'UTC',
'Factory' => 'UTC',
'GMT' => 'UTC',
'GMT+0' => 'UTC',
'GMT-0' => 'UTC',
'GMT0' => 'UTC',
'Hongkong' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong',
'HST' => 'Pacific/Honolulu',
'Iceland' => 'Atlantic/Reykjavik',
'Iran' => 'Asia/Tehran',
'Israel' => 'Asia/Tel_Aviv',
'Jamaica' => 'America/Jamaica',
'Japan' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
'Kwajalein' => 'Pacific/Kwajalein',
'Libya' => 'Africa/Tunis',
'MET' => 'Europe/Budapest',
'Mexico/BajaNorte' => 'America/Tijuana',
'Mexico/BajaSur' => 'America/Mazatlan',
'Mexico/General' => 'America/Mexico_City',
'MST' => 'America/Boise',
'MST7MDT' => 'America/Boise',
'Navajo' => 'America/Phoenix',
'NZ' => 'Pacific/Auckland',
'NZ-CHAT' => 'Pacific/Chatham',
'Poland' => 'Europe/Warsaw',
'Portugal' => 'Europe/Lisbon',
'PRC' => 'Asia/Chongqing',
'PST8PDT' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
'ROC' => 'Asia/Taipei',
'ROK' => 'Asia/Seoul',
'Singapore' => 'Asia/Singapore',
'Turkey' => 'Europe/Istanbul',
'US/Alaska' => 'America/Anchorage',
'US/Aleutian' => 'America/Adak',
'US/Arizona' => 'America/Phoenix',
'US/Central' => 'America/Chicago',
'US/East-Indiana' => 'America/Indianapolis',
'US/Eastern' => 'America/New_York',
'US/Hawaii' => 'Pacific/Honolulu',
'US/Indiana-Starke' => 'America/Indiana/Knox',
'US/Michigan' => 'America/Detroit',
'US/Mountain' => 'America/Boise',
'US/Pacific' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
'US/Pacific-New' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
'US/Samoa' => 'Pacific/Samoa',
'W-SU' => 'Europe/Moscow',
'WET' => 'Europe/Paris',
if (array_key_exists($old, $replace)) {
return $replace[$old];
else {
return $old;
* These strings exist only for the extractor to pick them up and make them
* available for translation. Putting them here keeps them from being parsed
* on normal pages.
* Idea borrowed from Event module. Thanks killes!
foreach (timezone_identifiers_list() as $timezone) {
$zones = array();
if (preg_match('!^((Africa|America|Antarctica|Arctic|Asia|Atlantic|Australia|Europe|Indian|Pacific)/|UTC$)!', $timezone)) {
$zones[] = t($timezone);
Name![]() |
Description |
date_timezone_module_uninstall | |
date_timezone_requirements | Implementation of hook_requirements(). Make sure a site timezone name has been selected. |
date_timezone_update_5200 | Get rid of deprecated timezone names. |
_date_timezone_replacement | Create replacement values for deprecated timezone names. |