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11 calls to date_format_date() in Date 5.2

date_formatter_process in date/date.module
Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_format_options in ./date_api.module
Store personalized format options for each user.
date_repeat_rrule_description in date_repeat/date_repeat.module
Build a description of an iCal rule.
date_sql_handler::sql_where_date in ./
Create a where clause to compare a complete date field to a complete date value.
date_widget_settings_form in date/
theme_date_all_day in date/date.theme
Adjust from/to date format to account for 'all day'.
theme_date_views_browser_period_label in date/date.theme
Theme for the current period label name
_date_token_values in date/
_date_views_argument_link in date/
Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'link' $argtype = name of the argument $query = object with child values $arg = url
_date_views_argument_title in date/
Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'title' $argtype = name of the argument $query = argument value $arg = <empty>
_date_views_filter_handler in date/