You are here in Date 5.2


View source

 * Implementation of hook_views_style_plugins()
function _date_views_style_plugins() {
  $items = array();
  $items['date_views_browser'] = array(
    'name' => t('Date: Date Browser'),
    'theme' => 'date_views_browser_full_view',
    'summary_theme' => 'date_views_browser_summary_view',
    'needs_fields' => true,
    'needs_table_header' => true,
    'validate' => 'date_browser_validate',
    'even_empty' => true,
  return $items;

 * Switch out the regular CCK field handler to use a date version that
 * can be smarter about how to handle grouped dates.
function date_views_field_tables($field) {
  $field_types = _content_field_types();
  $tables = content_views_field_tables($field);
  $key = 'node_data_' . $field['field_name'];
  $db_info = content_database_info($field);
  $columns = $db_info['columns'];
  $main_column = array_shift($columns);
  $tables[$key]['fields'][$main_column['column']]['handler'] = array(
    'date_views_field_handler_group' => t('Group multiple values'),
    'date_views_field_handler_ungroup' => t('Do not group multiple values'),
    'date_views_field_handler_first' => t('Show first value only'),
    'date_views_field_handler_last' => t('Show last value only'),
  return $tables;
function date_views_field_handler_group($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data, $from = 0, $count = 'all', $order = 'ASC') {
  $view = $GLOBALS['current_view'];
  $handler = $field_data['handler'];
  $field = $field_info['content_field'];
  $items = array();
  if ($field['multiple']) {
    $table_alias = "node_data_{$field['field_name']}";
    foreach ($field_info['content_db_info']['columns'] as $column => $attributes) {
      $query_columns[] = "{$table_alias}.{$attributes['column']} AS {$column}";
    $query_columns[] = "{$table_alias}.delta AS delta";

    // If the view has a minimum/maximum date, limited the grouped
    // values to the date range.
    $where = '';
    if (!empty($view->date_handler) && !empty($view->min_date)) {
      $date_handler = $view->date_handler;
      $sql_field = $field_data['fullname'];
      $replace = date_api_views_query_substitutions($view);
      $sql1 = $date_handler
        ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, ">=", date_format($view->min_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME));
      $sql2 = $date_handler
        ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, "<=", date_format($view->max_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME));
      $where = ' AND ' . strtr($sql1, $replace) . ' AND ' . strtr($sql2, $replace);

    // Note : this query doesn't need to run through db_rewrite_sql, since the
    // nids we retrieve have been selected by the views query, which already takes
    // care of this.
    $query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $query_columns) . " FROM {node} node" . " LEFT JOIN {" . $field_info['content_db_info']['table'] . "} {$table_alias} ON node.vid = {$table_alias}.vid" . " WHERE node.nid = " . $data->nid . $where . " ORDER BY {$table_alias}.delta {$order}";

    // Select all deltas or only a subset.
    // Currently only 'all' and first / last items are proposed to the user.
    $result = $count == 'all' ? db_query($query) : db_query_range($query, $from, $count);
    while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $item['#delta'] = $item[delta];
      if ($field['repeat'] && $handler == 'date_views_field_handler_group') {
        $data->date_repeat_show = TRUE;
      $items[] = content_format($field, $item, $field_data['options'], $data);
    return theme('content_view_multiple_field', $items, $field, $data);
  else {
    return date_views_field_handler_ungroup($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data);
function date_views_field_handler_first($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data) {
  return date_views_field_handler_group($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data, 0, 1, 'ASC');
function date_views_field_handler_last($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data) {
  return date_views_field_handler_group($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data, 0, 1, 'DESC');
function date_views_field_handler_ungroup($field_info, $field_data, $value, $data) {
  $field = $field_info['content_field'];
  $item = array();
  foreach ($field_info['content_db_info']['columns'] as $column => $attributes) {
    $view_column_name = $field_data['tablename'] . '_' . $attributes['column'];
    $item[$column] = $data->{$view_column_name};
  $item['#delta'] = $data->{$field_data['tablename'] . '_delta'};
  return content_format($field, $item, $field_data['options'], $data);

 * Views field filters
function _date_views_filters($field) {
  switch ($field['type']) {
    case DATE_ISO:
      $handler = 'date_views_filter_handler';
      $ymd_handler = 'date_views_handler_filter_ymd';
    case DATE_UNIX:
      $handler = 'date_views_timestamp_filter_handler';
      $ymd_handler = 'date_views_timestamp_handler_filter_ymd';

  // The $field array is missing widget info, get the complete widget
  // with the format settings.
  $types = content_types();
  $widget = $types[$field['type_name']]['fields'][$field['field_name']]['widget'];
  $format = !empty($widget['input_format_custom']) ? $widget['input_format_custom'] : $widget['input_format'];

  // use this to default to current time
  $current = array(
    '' => t('<all>'),
    'now' => t('now'),
  $months = $current + drupal_map_assoc(range(1, 12), 'map_month');
  $days = $current + drupal_map_assoc(range(1, 31));
  $operator = array(
    '=' => t('is equal to'),
    '<>' => t('is not equal to'),
    '>' => t('greater than'),
    '>=' => t('greater than or equal to'),
    '<' => t('less than'),
    '<=' => t('less than or equal to'),
  $description = 'Filter by %option. Set a default date and time in the <strong>Value</strong>. To default to the current time instead of a fixed time, leave the <strong>Value</strong> empty and enter \'now\' in the <strong>Option</strong>. You may also use something like \'now +1 day\' to default to one day from the current time.';
  $filter = array(
    'operator' => $operator,
    'option' => 'string',
    'handler' => $handler,
    'extra' => array(
      'column' => 'value',
      'field' => $field,
    'cacheable' => 'no',
  $filters = array(
    'default' => $filter + array(
      'name' => t('Date'),
      'value' => date_views_handler_filter_date_value_form($field),
      'type' => 'DATE',
      'help' => t($description, array(
        '%option' => t('date'),
    'year' => $filter + array(
      'name' => t('Year'),
      'type' => 'YEAR',
      'help' => t($description, array(
        '%option' => t('year'),
    'month' => $filter + array(
      'name' => t('Month'),
      'list' => $months,
      'list-type' => 'select',
      'type' => 'MONTH',
      'help' => t($description, array(
        '%option' => t('month'),
    'day' => $filter + array(
      'name' => t('Day'),
      'list' => $days,
      'list-type' => 'select',
      'type' => 'DAY',
      'help' => t($description, array(
        '%option' => t('day'),

  // Differentiate from and to dates with a prefix that is not likely to ever be used normally.
  if ($field['todate']) {
    $filters2['to|default'] = $filters['default'];
    $filters2['to|default']['name'] = t('To Date');
    $filters2['to|default']['extra'] = array(
      'column' => 'value2',
      'field' => $field,
    $filters2['to|year'] = $filters['year'];
    $filters2['to|year']['name'] = t('To Year');
    $filters2['to|year']['extra'] = array(
      'column' => 'value2',
      'field' => $field,
    $filters2['to|month'] = $filters['month'];
    $filters2['to|month']['name'] = t('To Month');
    $filters2['to|month']['extra'] = array(
      'column' => 'value2',
      'field' => $field,
    $filters2['to|day'] = $filters['day'];
    $filters2['to|day']['name'] = t('To Day');
    $filters2['to|day']['extra'] = array(
      'column' => 'value2',
      'field' => $field,
    $filters += $filters2;
  return $filters;

 * Views arguments for Date fields.
function _date_views_arguments($field) {
  $field_types = _content_field_types();
  $arguments = array();
  $argument = array();
  $argument['name'] = $field_types[$field['type']]['label'] . ($field['todate'] ? t(': From ') : ': ') . t($field['widget']['label']) . ' (' . $field['field_name'] . ')';
  $argument['handler'] = $field['type'] == 'date' ? 'date_views_argument_range_handler' : 'date_views_timestamp_argument_range_handler';
  $argument['help'] = t("Defines an argument to filter for dates within a range, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD--YYYY-MM-DD'. Many other options can be used in arguments. See !link for other examples.", array(
    '!link' => l(t('help'), 'admin/help/date'),
  $argument['option'] = 'date_range_arg_options';
  $arguments['content: ' . $field['field_name']] = $argument;
  if ($field['todate']) {
    $argument['name'] = $field_types[$field['type']]['label'] . t(': To ') . t($field['widget']['label']) . ' (' . $field['field_name'] . ')';
    $arguments['content: to|' . $field['field_name']] = $argument;
  return $arguments;

 *  Handler for date filter.
function _date_views_timestamp_filter_handler($op, $filter, $filterinfo, &$query) {

  // this is just a wrapper function that sets the date type
  return _date_views_filter_handler($op, $filter, $filterinfo, $query, DATE_UNIX);
function _date_views_filter_handler($op, $filter, $filterinfo, &$query, $field_type = DATE_ISO) {
  require_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
  require_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';

  // There's no simple way to do this, figure out if this filter has an
  // exposed value, and if so, ignore options like 'now'. Need to do
  // this so we don't adjust to 'now' when the date is deliberately
  // set to be empty in an exposed filter, while still using 'now'
  // as the default value when nothing has been submitted in the exposed
  // filter.
  $view = $GLOBALS['current_view'];
  foreach ((array) $view->exposed_filter as $delta => $exposed_filter) {
    $exposed_delta = trim(str_replace('filter', '', $name));
    $exposed_field = $view->exposed_filter[$exposed_delta]['field'];
    if ($filter['field'] == $exposed_field && $delta == $exposed_delta) {

      // This is an exposed filter that has been submitted.
      if (isset($_GET['filter' . $exposed_delta])) {
        $filter['options'] = '';

  // $filter['value'] could either be an array of 'date' and 'time',
  // or an array of date parts, or a single value, depending on which
  // widget was used. Normalize the values before analyzing them.
  $field = $filterinfo['extra']['field'];
  $types = content_types($field['type_name']);
  $field = $types['fields'][$field['field_name']];
  $column = $filterinfo['extra']['column'];
  $db_info = $filterinfo['content_db_info'];

  // A submitted date_select will be an array of date parts.
  if (is_array($filter['value']) && array_key_exists('year', $filter['value'])) {
    $value = date_convert($filter['value'], DATE_ARRAY, DATE_DATETIME);
  elseif (is_array($filter['value']) && array_key_exists('date', $filter['value'])) {
    $format = !empty($field['widget']['input_format_custom']) ? $field['widget']['input_format_custom'] : $field['widget']['input_format'];
    $format = date_limit_format($format, date_granularity($field));

    // If time is empty, make sure the custom format isn't expecting it.
    if (empty($filter['value']['time'])) {
      $format = date_limit_format($format, array(
    $value = trim($filter['value']['date'] . ' ' . $filter['value']['time']);
    $value = date_convert_from_custom($value, $format);
  else {
    $value = $filter['value'];

  // Filter out 5.1 version values that won't work in 5.2.
  if ($filterinfo['type'] == 'DATE' && !preg_match(DATE_REGEX_LOOSE, $value)) {
    $value = '';
  if (empty($value) && empty($filter['options'])) {
  $table = 'node_data_' . $field['field_name'];
  $sql_field = "{$table}." . $db_info['columns'][$column]['column'];
  $table = 'node_data_' . $field['field_name'];
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $timezone = date_default_timezone_name();
  date_views_set_timezone($date_handler, $field);
  $sql = '';
  $adjustment = trim(str_replace('now', '', $filter['options']));

  // Comparing to NOW.
  if (empty($value) && !empty($filter['options'])) {
    $date = date_now();
    if (!empty($adjustment)) {
      date_modify($date, $adjustment);
    switch ($filterinfo['type']) {
      case 'YEAR':
      case 'MONTH':
      case 'DAY':
        $formats = array(
          'YEAR' => 'Y',
          'MONTH' => 'n',
          'DAY' => 'j',
        $value = date_format($date, $formats[$filterinfo['type']]);
        $sql = $date_handler
          ->sql_where_extract($filterinfo['type'], $sql_field, $filter['operator'], $value, FALSE);
        $granularity = $field['granularity'];
        $granularity = array_pop(array_filter($granularity));
        $format = $date_handler
          ->views_formats($granularity, 'sql');
        $sql = $date_handler
          ->sql_where_format($format, $sql_field, $filter['operator'], date_format($date, $format));
  elseif ($filterinfo['type'] == 'DATE') {
    if (!empty($value)) {
      if (date_is_valid($value, DATE_DATETIME, $field['granularity'])) {
        $date = date_make_date($value, date_default_timezone_name(), DATE_DATETIME, $field['granularity']);
        if (!empty($adjustment)) {
          date_modify($date, $adjustment);
        $formats = array(
          'YEAR' => 'Y',
          'MONTH' => 'n',
          'DAY' => 'j',
        $value = date_format_date($date, 'custom', $formats[$filterinfo['type']]);
        $sql = $date_handler
          ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, $filter['operator'], $value);
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('That is not a valid date.'));
  else {
    $sql = $date_handler
      ->sql_where_extract($filterinfo['type'], $sql_field, $filter['operator'], $value);
  if (!empty($sql)) {

 * Provide a form gadget for dates.
 * Use the same form element used for the field.
function _date_views_handler_filter_date_value_form($field) {
  $types = content_types($field['type_name']);
  $field = $types['fields'][$field['field_name']];
  $format = !empty($field['widget']['input_format_custom']) ? $field['widget']['input_format_custom'] : $field['widget']['input_format'];
  require_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
  $form = array(
    '#type' => $field['widget']['type'],
    '#date_timezone' => date_default_timezone_name(),
    '#date_format' => date_limit_format($format, date_granularity($field)),
    '#date_text_parts' => (array) $field['widget']['text_parts'],
    '#date_increment' => $field['widget']['increment'],
    '#date_year_range' => $field['widget']['year_range'],
    '#date_label_position' => $field['widget']['label_position'],
    '#views_filter' => TRUE,
  return $form;

 * Flexible date range argument handler.
 * Views values vary depending on the op:
 * Summary views trigger: summary, sort, link.
 * Main views trigger: filter, title.
function _date_views_timestamp_argument_range_handler($op, &$query, $argtype, $arg = '') {

  // this is just a wrapper function that sets the date type
  return _date_views_argument_range_handler($op, $query, $argtype, $arg, DATE_UNIX);
function _date_views_argument_range_handler($op, &$query, $argtype, $arg = '', $field_type = DATE_ISO) {
  require_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';

  // Switch to the function that matches the requested $op.
  $function = '_date_views_argument_' . $op;
  return $function($query, $argtype, $arg, $field_type);

 * Views values vary depending on the op:
 * $op = 'filter'
 *   $argtype = array of arg settings
 *   $query = views object
 *   $arg = argument value
function _date_views_argument_filter(&$query, $argtype, $arg, $field_type) {
  $field_name = _date_views_arg_field_name($argtype['type']);
  $field = content_fields($field_name);
  $db_info = content_database_info($field);
  $value = substr($field_name, -1) == 2 ? 'value2' : 'value';
  $value = $db_info['columns'][$value]['column'];
  $table = 'node_data_' . $field['field_name'];
  $sql_field = "{$table}.{$value}";
  $query->sql_field_name = $sql_field;
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $range = $date_handler
  $date_handler->granularity = $date_handler
  date_views_set_timezone($date_handler, $field);
  $query->date_handler = $date_handler;
    ->add_field($value, $table);
  if ($field['tz_handling'] == 'date') {
      ->add_field($db_info['columns']['timezone']['column'], $table);
      ->add_field($db_info['columns']['offset']['column'], $table);
  if ($date_handler->granularity != 'week') {
    $format = $date_handler
      ->views_formats($date_handler->granularity, 'sql');
      ->sql_where_format($format, $sql_field, '>=', date_format($range[0], $format)));
      ->sql_where_format($format, $sql_field, '<=', date_format($range[1], $format)));
  else {
      ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, ">=", date_format($range[0], DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME)));
      ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, "<", date_format($range[1], DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME)));

 * Views values vary depending on the op:
 * $op = 'title'
 *   $argtype = name of the argument
 *   $query = argument value
 *   $arg = <empty>
function _date_views_argument_title($query, $argtype, $arg, $field_type) {
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $granularity = $date_handler
  $format = $date_handler
    ->views_formats($granularity, 'display');
  $range = $date_handler
  $formatted = date_format_date($range[0], 'custom', $format);
  $formatted2 = date_format_date($range[1], 'custom', $format);
  if ($formatted != $formatted2) {
    return $formatted . '-' . $formatted2;
  else {
    return $formatted;

 * Views values vary depending on the op:
 * $op = 'summary'
 *   $argtype = name of the argument
 *   $query = views object
 *   $arg = argument type
function _date_views_argument_summary(&$query, $argtype, $arg, $field_type) {
  $field_name = _date_views_arg_field_name($argtype);
  $field = content_fields($field_name);
  $db_info = content_database_info($field);
  $value = substr($field_name, -1) == 2 ? 'value2' : 'value';
  $value = $db_info['columns'][$value]['column'];
  $table = 'node_data_' . $field['field_name'];
  $sql_field = "{$table}.{$value}";
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $date_handler->sql_field_name = $sql_field;
  $date_handler->granularity = $arg;
  date_views_set_timezone($date_handler, $field);
  $query->date_handler = $date_handler;
  $format = $date_handler
    ->views_formats($date_handler->granularity, 'sql');
  $fieldinfo['field'] = $date_handler
    ->sql_format($format, $date_handler
  $fieldinfo['fieldname'] = 'range';
  return $fieldinfo;

 * Views values vary depending on the op:
 * $op = 'sort'
 *   $argtype = 'ASC' or 'DESC'
 *   $query = views object
 *   $arg = <empty>
function _date_views_argument_sort(&$query, $argtype, $arg, $field_type) {

  // Add no sorting or we will get a groupby for the sort field
  // which will keep the summary totals from working right.

 * Views values vary depending on the op:
 * $op = 'link'
 *   $argtype = name of the argument
 *   $query = object with child values
 *   $arg = url
function _date_views_argument_link(&$query, $argtype, $arg, $field_type) {
  if (empty($query->range)) {
    return t('N/A');
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $granularity = $date_handler
  $format = $date_handler
    ->views_formats($granularity, 'display');
  $range = $date_handler
  $formatted = date_format_date($range[0], 'custom', $format);
  $formatted2 = date_format_date($range[1], 'custom', $format);
  if ($formatted != $formatted2) {
    return l($formatted . '-' . $formatted2, $arg . '/' . $query->range);
  else {
    return l($formatted, $arg . '/' . $query->range);

 * Helper function to find the field name in the argtype.
function _date_views_arg_field_name($argtype) {
  $name = explode(':', $argtype);
  $tofield_name = trim($name[1]);
  return drupal_substr($tofield_name, 0, 3) == 'to|' ? drupal_substr($tofield_name, 3) : $tofield_name;

 *  Define groupby options for date range summaries
function date_range_arg_options() {
  return array(
    'year' => t('summarize by year'),
    'month' => t('summarize by month'),
    'day' => t('summarize by day'),
    'week' => t('summarize by week'),
    'hour' => t('summarize by hour'),

 * Validate a view.
function date_browser_validate($type, $view, $form) {

  // list (and table) modes require there to be at least 1 field active.
  if (is_array($view['field'])) {
    $fields = array_filter(array_keys($view['field']), 'is_numeric');
  if (!$fields) {
    form_error($form["{$type}-info"][$type . '_type'], t('The Date Browser requires at least one field.'));

  // Make sure all arguments are set to 'Display all values'
  // and that a date argument has been provided.
  $found = FALSE;
  $options = array_keys(date_range_arg_options());
  foreach ($view['argument'] as $delta => $argument) {
    if (in_array($argument['options'], $options)) {
      $found = TRUE;
      if (is_numeric($delta) && $argument['argdefault'] != 2) {
        form_error($form['argument'][$delta]['argdefault'], t('Date Browser arguments must be set to \'Display All Values\'.'));
  if (!$found) {
    form_error($form['argument'], t('A date argument must be added to a Date Browser view.'));

 *  Implementation of hook_views_query().
 *  Used to make sure Date Browser view defaults to current date if no date selected
function _date_views_query_alter(&$query, &$view) {
  require_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
  $date_views_browser_views = date_views_browser_get_views();
  if (in_array($view->name, array_keys($date_views_browser_views))) {
    $name = explode(':', $view->argument[0]['type']);
    $tofield_name = trim($name[1]);
    $field_name = drupal_substr($tofield_name, 0, 3) == 'to|' ? drupal_substr($tofield_name, 3) : $tofield_name;
    $value = $field_name != $tofield_name ? 'value2' : 'value';
    $field = content_fields($field_name);
    $db_info = content_database_info($field);
    $table = 'node_data_' . $field['field_name'];
    $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
    date_views_set_timezone($date_handler, $field);
    $view->date_handler = $date_handler;

    // Add a combo FROM|TO date field to the query
    $value = $db_info['columns']['value']['column'];
    $value2 = !empty($db_info['columns']['value2']['column']) ? $db_info['columns']['value2']['column'] : $db_info['columns']['value']['column'];
    $value1 = $table . '.' . $value;
    $value2 = date_sql_coalesce(array(
      $table . '.' . $value2,
      $table . '.' . $value,
    $combo = date_sql_concat(array(
    )) . ' AS date_combo ';
      ->add_field($combo, NULL);
    $path = explode('/', $view->url);
    $pos = sizeof($path);
    if ($view->build_type == 'block' || arg($pos) == '') {
      $arg = NULL;
    else {
      $arg = arg($pos);

    // If no argument is specified, the argument handling won't get executed.
    // Add the current date range to the query.
    if ($arg == NULL) {
      $period = $view->argument[0]['options'];
      $format = $date_handler
        ->views_formats($period, 'sql');
      $arg = date_views_browser_period_arg(NULL, $view->argument[0]['options']);
      if ($range = $view->date_handler
        ->arg_range($arg)) {
          ->add_field('nid', 'node');
          ->add_field($value, $table);
        $sql_field = "{$table}.{$value}";
          ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, ">=", date_format($range[0], DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME)));
          ->sql_where_date('DATE', $sql_field, "<=", date_format($range[1], DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME)));
    else {
      $range = $view->date_handler
    $view->min_date = $range[0];
    $view->max_date = $range[1];
    if (empty($view->date_fields)) {
      $view->date_fields = array();
    $view->date_fields[] = $field_name;

 * Find all the views that qualify for date browser treatment
 * @param $view
 *   if called from Views UI validation, $edit_view will be populated,
 *   otherwise it will be empty. Use that to tell if the list
 *   needs to be refreshed.
function date_views_browser_get_views($reset = FALSE) {
  static $date_views_browser_views;
  if (empty($date_views_browser_views) || $reset) {
    $cid = 'date_browser_views';
    if (!$reset && ($cached = cache_get($cid, 'cache_views'))) {
      $date_views_browser_views = unserialize($cached->data);
    else {
      $date_views_browser_views = array();
      $arguments = array();
      $fields = content_fields();
      foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if ($field['type'] == DATE_UNIX || $field['type'] == DATE_ISO) {
          $arguments = array_merge($arguments, _date_views_arguments($field));
      $argument_list = implode("','", array_keys($arguments));
      if (!$argument_list) {
        return array();
      $argument_list = "'" . $argument_list . "'";
      $result = db_query("SELECT arg.*, FROM {view_argument} arg INNER JOIN {view_view} view ON arg.vid=view.vid WHERE arg.type IN ({$argument_list}) AND view.page_type='date_views_browser'");
      while ($view = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $date_views_browser_views[$view->name] = $view;
      cache_set($cid, 'cache_views', serialize($date_views_browser_views));
  return $date_views_browser_views;

 *  Return the correct period for the date range argument
function date_views_browser_period($period = 'month') {
  switch ($period) {
    case 'year':
      return 'P1Y';
    case 'week':
      return 'P1W';
    case 'day':
      return 'P1D';
    case 'hour':
      return 'P1H';
      return 'P1M';

 *  Format an argument for the date range
function date_views_browser_period_arg($arg = NULL, $period = 'month') {
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $range = $date_handler
  $date = $range[0];
  $format = $date_handler
    ->views_formats($period, 'sql');
  $period_date = $period == 'week' ? date_format($date, 'Y-\\W') . date_week(date_format($date, 'Y-m-d')) : date_format($date, $format);
  return $period_date . date_views_browser_period($period);

 *  Return label for current date range
function date_views_browser_period_label($arg = NULL, $period = 'month') {
  $date_handler = new date_sql_handler();
  $range = $date_handler
  return theme('date_views_browser_period_label', $period, $range[0]);

 *  Navigation links for the full view
function date_views_browser_navigation($view, $period) {
  $arg = NULL;
  foreach ($view->argument as $pos => $argument) {
    if ($argument['options'] == $period) {
      $arg = $view->args[$pos];
  if (empty($arg)) {
    $arg = date_views_browser_period_arg(NULL, $view->argument[0]['options']);

  // Create a date object for the beginning of the current range.
  $range = $view->date_handler
  $format = $view->date_handler
    ->views_formats($period, 'sql');
  $date = drupal_clone($range[0]);

  // Move backwards 1 period and create a link to that date.
  date_modify($date, '-1' . $period);
  $prev = $period == 'week' ? date_format($date, 'Y-\\W') . date_week(date_format($date, 'Y-m-d')) : date_format($date, $format);
  $prev = $view->url . '/' . $prev . date_views_browser_period($period);

  // Move forward 2 periods (back to the current period and to the next period)
  // and create a link to that date.
  date_modify($date, '+2 ' . $period);
  $next = $period == 'week' ? date_format($date, 'Y-\\W') . date_week(date_format($date, 'Y-m-d')) : date_format($date, $format);
  $next = $view->url . '/' . $next . date_views_browser_period($period);
  $label = date_views_browser_period_label($arg, $period);
  return theme('date_views_browser_navigation', $label, $period, $prev, $next, $view);

 * Central function for setting up the right timezone values
 * in the SQL date handler.
 * The date handler will use this information to decide if the
 * database value needs a timezone conversion.
 * In Views, we will always be comparing to a local date value,
 * so the goal is to convert the database value to the right
 * value to compare to the local value.
function date_views_set_timezone(&$date_handler, $field) {
  $tz_handling = $field['tz_handling'];
  switch ($tz_handling) {
    case 'date':
      $date_handler->db_timezone = 'UTC';
      $date_handler->local_timezone_field = $field['timezone_field'];
      $date_handler->offset_field = $field['offset_field'];
    case 'none':
      $date_handler->db_timezone = date_default_timezone_name();
      $date_handler->local_timezone = date_default_timezone_name();
    case 'utc':
      $date_handler->db_timezone = 'UTC';
      $date_handler->local_timezone = 'UTC';
      $date_handler->db_timezone = 'UTC';
      $date_handler->local_timezone = date_default_timezone_name();


Namesort descending Description
date_browser_validate Validate a view.
date_range_arg_options Define groupby options for date range summaries
date_views_browser_get_views Find all the views that qualify for date browser treatment
date_views_browser_navigation Navigation links for the full view
date_views_browser_period Return the correct period for the date range argument
date_views_browser_period_arg Format an argument for the date range
date_views_browser_period_label Return label for current date range
date_views_field_tables Switch out the regular CCK field handler to use a date version that can be smarter about how to handle grouped dates.
date_views_set_timezone Central function for setting up the right timezone values in the SQL date handler.
_date_views_arguments Views arguments for Date fields.
_date_views_argument_filter Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'filter' $argtype = array of arg settings $query = views object $arg = argument value
_date_views_argument_link Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'link' $argtype = name of the argument $query = object with child values $arg = url
_date_views_argument_sort Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'sort' $argtype = 'ASC' or 'DESC' $query = views object $arg = <empty>
_date_views_argument_summary Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'summary' $argtype = name of the argument $query = views object $arg = argument type
_date_views_argument_title Views values vary depending on the op: $op = 'title' $argtype = name of the argument $query = argument value $arg = <empty>
_date_views_arg_field_name Helper function to find the field name in the argtype.
_date_views_filters Views field filters
_date_views_handler_filter_date_value_form Provide a form gadget for dates.
_date_views_query_alter Implementation of hook_views_query().
_date_views_style_plugins Implementation of hook_views_style_plugins()
_date_views_timestamp_argument_range_handler Flexible date range argument handler.
_date_views_timestamp_filter_handler Handler for date filter.