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14 calls to date_limit_format() in Date 7

DateObject::format in date_api/date_api.module
Overrides base format function, formats this date according to its available granularity, unless $force'ed not to limit to granularity.
DateObject::__construct in date_api/date_api.module
Overridden constructor.
date_combo_element_process in ./
Process an individual date element.
date_formatter_format in ./date.module
Retrieve a date format string from formatter settings.
date_formatter_process in ./date.module
Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_format_date in date_api/date_api.module
Reworked from Drupal's format_date function to handle pre-1970 and post-2038 dates and accept a date object instead of a timestamp as input.
date_popup_date_format in date_popup/date_popup.module
date_popup_time_format in date_popup/date_popup.module
date_repeat_merge in date_repeat/
Regroup values back into a consistant array, no matter what state it is in.
date_sql_handler::views_formats in date_api/
date_views_filter_handler::date_parts_form in date_views/includes/
A form element to select date part values.
theme_date_all_day in ./date.theme
Adjust from/to date format to account for 'all day' .
_date_repeat_rrule_process in date_repeat/
Generate the repeat setting form.
_date_repeat_widget in ./
Widget processing for date repeat form element.