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date.module in Date 7

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 * @file
 * Defines date/time field types for the Content Construction Kit (CCK).
module_load_include('theme', 'date', 'date');
module_load_include('inc', 'date', '/date.field');
module_load_include('inc', 'date', '/date_elements');

 * Implements hook_menu().
function date_menu() {
  $items = array();

  // Repeat dates tab on entity
  if (!module_exists('date_repeat')) {
    return $items;
  $items['node/%node/repeats'] = array(
    'title' => 'Repeats',
    'page callback' => 'date_repeat_page',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'date_repeat_entity',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  return $items;
function date_permission() {
  return array(
    'view date repeats' => array(
      'title' => t('View Repeating Dates'),
      'description' => t('Allow user to see a tab with all the times this date repeats.'),

 * See if the user can access repeat date
 * info on this entity.
function date_repeat_entity($entity, $entity_type = 'node') {
  if (date_repeat_type($entity, $entity_type = 'node')) {
    return user_access('view date repeats');
  return FALSE;

 * See if there is a date field in this instance.
 * Field type is not in the $field array we get from
 * field_info_instances(), we need to call
 * field_info_field() to find that.
function date_repeat_type($entity, $entity_type = 'node') {
  $bundle = '';
  switch ($entity_type) {
    case 'node':
      $bundle = $entity->type;
  $type = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle);
  foreach ($type as $field_name => $field) {
    $field = field_info_field($field_name);
    if (in_array($field['type'], array(
    )) && $field['settings']['repeat']) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
function date_repeat_fields($entity, $entity_type = 'node') {
  $bundle = '';
  switch ($entity_type) {
    case 'node':
      $bundle = $entity->type;
  $type = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle);
  $fields = array();
  foreach ($type as $field_name => $field) {
    $field = field_info_field($field_name);
    if (in_array($field['type'], array(
    )) && $field['settings']['repeat']) {
      $fields[] = $field_name;
  return $fields;
function date_repeat_page($entity, $entity_type = 'node') {
  $entity->date_repeat_show_all = TRUE;
  $entity->content = array();
  $field_names = date_repeat_fields($entity, $entity_type);
  $output = '';
  foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
    $output .= drupal_render(field_view_field($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, 'full'));
  return $output;
function date_is_repeat_field($field, $instance) {
  $repeat_widgets = array(
  if (in_array($instance['widget']['type'], $repeat_widgets)) {
    return TRUE;
  elseif (in_array($instance['widget']['type']['#value'], $repeat_widgets)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
function date_default_format($type) {
  if (stristr($type, 'date_popup') && module_exists('date_popup')) {
    $formats = date_popup_formats();
    $default_format = array_shift($formats);
  else {

    // example input formats must show all possible date parts, so add seconds.
    $default_format = str_replace('i', 'i:s', variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i'));
  return $default_format;
function date_input_date($field, $instance, $element, $input) {
  switch ($instance['widget']['type']) {
    case 'date_text':
    case 'date_text_repeat':
      $function = 'date_text_input_date';
    case 'date_popup':
    case 'date_popup_repeat':
      $function = 'date_popup_input_date';
      $function = 'date_select_input_date';
  return $function($element, $input);

 * Implements hook_theme().
function date_theme() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'date');
  module_load_include('theme', 'date', 'date');
  $base = array(
    'file' => 'date.theme',
    'path' => "{$path}",
  $themes = array(
    'date_combo' => $base + array(
      'render element' => 'element',
    'date_text_parts' => $base + array(
      'render element' => 'element',
    'date' => $base + array(
      'render element' => 'element',
    'date_all_day' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(
        'field' => NULL,
        'instance' => NULL,
        'which' => NULL,
        'date1' => NULL,
        'date2' => NULL,
        'format' => NULL,
        'entity_type' => NULL,
        'entity' => NULL,
        'view' => NULL,
    'date_all_day_label' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(),
    'date_display_single' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(
        'date' => NULL,
        'timezone' => NULL,
    'date_display_range' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(
        'date1' => NULL,
        'date2' => NULL,
        'timezone' => NULL,
    'date_repeat_display' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(
        'field' => NULL,
        'item' => NULL,
        'entity_type' => NULL,
        'entity' => NULL,
        'dates' => NULL,
      'function' => 'theme_date_repeat_display',
    'date_display_combination' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(
        'entity_type' => NULL,
        'entity' => NULL,
        'field' => NULL,
        'instance' => NULL,
        'langcode' => NULL,
        'item' => NULL,
        'delta' => NULL,
        'display' => NULL,
        'dates' => NULL,
    'date_display_interval' => $base + array(
      'variables' => array(
        'entity_type' => NULL,
        'entity' => NULL,
        'field' => NULL,
        'instance' => NULL,
        'langcode' => NULL,
        'item' => NULL,
        'delta' => NULL,
        'display' => NULL,
        'dates' => NULL,
  return $themes;

 * Implements hook_element_info().
 * date_combo will create a 'from' and optional 'to' date, along with
 * an optional 'timezone' column for date-specific timezones. Each
 * 'from' and 'to' date will be constructed from date_select or date_text.
function date_element_info() {
  $type = array();
  $type['date_combo'] = array(
    '#input' => TRUE,
    '#delta' => 0,
    '#columns' => array(
    '#process' => array(
    '#element_validate' => array(
    '#value_callback' => 'date_combo_value_callback',
    '#theme_wrappers' => array(
  return $type;

 * Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
 * Use the Date API to get an object representation of a date field
 * @param array $field
 * @param array $item - a entity field item, like $entity->myfield[0]
 * @return array that holds the From and To date objects
 *  Each date object looks like:
 *       date [value] => array (
 *         [db] => array (  // the value stored in the database
 *           [object] => the datetime object
 *           [datetime] => 2007-02-15 20:00:00
 *         )
 *         [local] => array (  // the local representation of that value
 *           [object] => the datetime object
 *           [datetime] => 2007-02-15 14:00:00
 *           [timezone] => US/Central
 *           [offset] => -21600
 *         )
 *      )
function date_formatter_process($formatter, $entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $item, $display) {
  $dates = array();
  $timezone = date_default_timezone();
  if (empty($timezone)) {
    return $dates;
  $granularity = date_granularity($field);
  $settings = $display['settings'];
  $field_name = $field['field_name'];
  $format = date_formatter_format($formatter, $settings, $granularity, $langcode);
  $timezone = isset($item['timezone']) ? $item['timezone'] : '';
  $timezone = date_get_timezone($field['settings']['tz_handling'], $timezone);
  $timezone_db = date_get_timezone_db($field['settings']['tz_handling']);
  $process = date_process_values($field);
  foreach ($process as $processed) {
    if (empty($item[$processed])) {
      $dates[$processed] = NULL;
    else {

      // create a date object with a gmt timezone from the database value
      $value = $item[$processed];

      // @TODO Figure out how to replace date_fuzzy_datetime() function.
      if ($field['type'] == DATE_ISO) {

        //$value = str_replace(' ', 'T', date_fuzzy_datetime($value));
      $date = new DateObject($value, $timezone_db);
      $dates[$processed] = array();
      $dates[$processed]['db']['object'] = $date;
      $dates[$processed]['db']['datetime'] = date_format($date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
      date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($timezone));
      $dates[$processed]['local']['object'] = $date;
      $dates[$processed]['local']['datetime'] = date_format($date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
      $dates[$processed]['local']['timezone'] = $timezone;
      $dates[$processed]['local']['offset'] = date_offset_get($date);

      //format the date, special casing the 'interval' format which doesn't need to be processed
      $dates[$processed]['formatted'] = '';
      if (is_object($date)) {
        if ($format == 'format_interval') {
          $dates[$processed]['interval'] = date_format_interval($date);
        elseif ($format == 'format_calendar_day') {
          $dates[$processed]['calendar_day'] = date_format_calendar_day($date);
        elseif ($format == 'U') {
          $dates[$processed]['formatted'] = date_format_date($date, 'custom', $format);
          $dates[$processed]['formatted_date'] = date_format_date($date, 'custom', $format);
          $dates[$processed]['formatted_time'] = '';
          $dates[$processed]['formatted_timezone'] = '';
        elseif (!empty($format)) {
          $dates[$processed]['formatted'] = date_format_date($date, 'custom', $format);
          $dates[$processed]['formatted_date'] = date_format_date($date, 'custom', date_limit_format($format, array(
          $dates[$processed]['formatted_time'] = date_format_date($date, 'custom', date_limit_format($format, array(
          $dates[$processed]['formatted_timezone'] = date_format_date($date, 'custom', date_limit_format($format, array(
  if (empty($dates['value2'])) {
    $dates['value2'] = $dates['value'];
  $date1 = $dates['value']['local']['object'];
  $date2 = $dates['value2']['local']['object'];
  $all_day = '';
  $all_day2 = '';
  if ($format != 'format_interval') {
    $all_day1 = theme('date_all_day', array(
      'field' => $field,
      'which' => 'date1',
      'date1' => $date1,
      'date2' => $date2,
      'format' => $format,
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'entity' => $entity,
    $all_day2 = theme('date_all_day', array(
      'field' => $field,
      'which' => 'date2',
      'date1' => $date1,
      'date2' => $date2,
      'format' => $format,
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'entity' => $entity,
  if (!empty($all_day1) && $all_day1 != $dates['value']['formatted'] || !empty($all_day2) && $all_day2 != $dates['value2']['formatted']) {
    $dates['value']['formatted_time'] = theme('date_all_day_label');
    $dates['value2']['formatted_time'] = theme('date_all_day_label');
    $dates['value']['formatted'] = $all_day1;
    $dates['value2']['formatted'] = $all_day2;
  $dates['format'] = $format;
  return $dates;

 * $field['settings']['granularity'] will contain an array like ('hour' => 'hour', 'month' => 0)
 * where the values turned on return their own names and the values turned off return a zero
 * need to reconfigure this into a simple array of the turned on values
function date_granularity($field) {
  if (!is_array($field) || !is_array($field['settings']['granularity'])) {
    $field['settings']['granularity'] = drupal_map_assoc(array(
  return array_values(array_filter($field['settings']['granularity']));

 * Helper function to create an array of the date values in a
 * field that need to be processed.
function date_process_values($field) {
  return $field['settings']['todate'] ? array(
  ) : array(

 * Implement hook_help().
function date_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#date':
      return '<p>' . t('Complete documentation for the Date and Date API modules is available at <a href="@link"></a>.', array(
        '@link' => '',
      )) . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * Make sure date information gets updated.
function date_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'field_ui_field_edit_form') {
    $field = $form['field'];
    $instance = $form['instance'];

    // If adding a repeat, override the Content module's handling of the multiple values option.
    if (module_exists('date_repeat') && date_is_repeat_field($field, $instance)) {
      $form['field']['cardinality'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',

 * Implements hook_field_widget_error().
function date_field_widget_error($element, $error, $form, &$form_state) {
  form_error($element[$error['error']], $error['message']);

 * Retrieve a date format string from formatter settings.
function date_formatter_format($formatter, $settings, $granularity = NULL, $langcode = NULL) {
  $default = variable_get('date_format_medium', 'D, m/d/Y - H:i');
  $format_type = !empty($settings['format_type']) ? $settings['format_type'] : 'format_interval';
  switch ($formatter) {
    case 'format_interval':
      return 'format_interval';
    case 'date_default':
      $format = system_date_format_locale($langcode, $format_type);
      if (empty($format)) {
        $format = variable_get('date_format_' . $format_type, $default);
      $type = str_replace('date_', '', $formatter);
      $format = system_date_format_locale($langcode, $type);
      if (empty($format)) {
        $format = variable_get('date_format_' . $type, $default);

  // A selected format might include timezone information.
  array_push($granularity, 'timezone');
  return date_limit_format($format, $granularity);

 * Helper function to adapt entity date fields to formatter settings.
function date_prepare_entity($formatter, $entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $item, $display) {

  // If there are options to limit multiple values,
  // alter the entity values to match.
  $field_name = $field['field_name'];
  $options = $display['settings'];
  $max_count = $options['multiple_number'];

  // If no results should be shown, empty the values and return.
  if (is_numeric($max_count) && $max_count == 0) {
    $entity->{$field_name} = array();
    return $entity;

  // Otherwise removed values that should not be displayed.
  if (!empty($options['multiple_from']) || !empty($options['multiple_to']) || !empty($max_count)) {
    $format = date_type_format($field['type']);
    include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
    $date_handler = new date_sql_handler($field);
    $arg0 = !empty($options['multiple_from']) ? $date_handler
      ->arg_replace($options['multiple_from']) : variable_get('date_min_year', 100) . '-01-01T00:00:00';
    $arg1 = !empty($options['multiple_to']) ? $date_handler
      ->arg_replace($options['multiple_to']) : variable_get('date_max_year', 4000) . '-12-31T23:59:59';
    if (!empty($arg0) && !empty($arg1)) {
      $arg = $arg0 . '--' . $arg1;
    elseif (!empty($arg0)) {
      $arg = $arg0;
    elseif (!empty($arg1)) {
      $arg = $arg1;
    if (!empty($arg)) {
      $range = $date_handler
      $start = date_format($range[0], $format);
      $end = date_format($range[1], $format);

      // Empty out values we don't want to see.
      $count = 0;
      foreach ($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] as $delta => $value) {
        if (!empty($entity->date_repeat_show_all)) {
        elseif (!empty($max_count) && is_numeric($max_count) && $count >= $max_count || !empty($value['value']) && $value['value'] < $start || !empty($value['value2']) && $value['value2'] > $end) {
        else {
  return $entity;

 * Generate a DateAPI SQL handler for the given CCK date field.
 * The handler will be set up to make the correct timezone adjustments
 * for the field settings.
 * @param $field
 *  - a $field array.
 * @param $compare_tz
 *  - the timezone used for comparison values in the SQL.
function date_field_get_sql_handler($field, $compare_tz = NULL) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'date_api', 'date_api_sql');
  $db_info = date_api_database_info($field);

  // Create a DateAPI SQL handler class for this field type.
  $handler = new date_sql_handler();

  // If this date field stores a timezone in the DB, tell the handler about it.
  if ($field['settings']['tz_handling'] == 'date') {
    $handler->db_timezone_field = $db_info['columns']['timezone']['column'];
  else {
    $handler->db_timezone = date_get_timezone_db($field['settings']['tz_handling']);
  if (empty($compare_tz)) {
    $compare_tz = date_get_timezone($field['settings']['tz_handling']);
  $handler->local_timezone = $compare_tz;

  // Now that the handler is properly initialized, force the DB
  // to use UTC so no timezone conversions get added to things like
  // NOW() or FROM_UNIXTIME().
  return $handler;

 * Callback to alter the property info of date fields.
 * @see date_field_info()
function date_entity_metadata_property_info_alter(&$info, $entity_type, $field, $instance, $field_type) {
  $name = $field['field_name'];
  $property =& $info[$entity_type]['bundles'][$instance['bundle']]['properties'][$name];
  if ($field['type'] != 'datestamp' || $field['settings']['timezone_db'] != 'UTC') {

    // Add a getter callback to convert the date into the right format.
    $property['getter callback'] = 'date_entity_metadata_field_getter';
    unset($property['query callback']);
    unset($property['setter callback']);
  if (!empty($field['settings']['todate'])) {

    // Define a simple data structure containing both dates.
    $property['type'] = $field['cardinality'] != 1 ? 'list<struct>' : 'struct';
    $property['getter callback'] = 'entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get';
    $property['property info'] = array(
      'value' => array(
        'type' => 'date',
        'label' => t('From date'),
        'getter callback' => 'date_entity_metadata_struct_getter',
      'value2' => array(
        'type' => 'date',
        'label' => t('To date'),
        'getter callback' => 'date_entity_metadata_struct_getter',
      'duration' => array(
        'type' => 'duration',
        'label' => t('Duration'),
        'desription' => t('The duration of the time period given by the dates.'),
        'getter callback' => 'date_entity_metadata_duration_getter',
    unset($property['query callback']);
    unset($property['setter callback']);

 * Getter callback to return date values as datestamp in UTC from the field.
function date_entity_metadata_field_getter($object, array $options, $name, $obj_type, &$context) {
  $return = entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get($object, $options, $name, $obj_type, $context);
  $items = $context['field']['cardinality'] == 1 ? array(
  ) : $return;
  foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
    $items[$key] = date_entity_metadata_struct_getter($item, $options, 'value', 'struct');
  return $context['field']['cardinality'] == 1 ? $items[0] : $items;

 * Getter callback to return date values as datestamp in UTC.
function date_entity_metadata_struct_getter($item, array $options, $name, $type) {
  $value = trim($item[$name]);
  $timezone_db = !empty($item['timezone_db']) ? $item['timezone_db'] : 'UTC';
  $date = new DateObject($value, $timezone_db);
  return !empty($date) ? date_format_date($date, 'custom', 'U') : NULL;

 * Getter callback to return the duration of the time period given by the dates.
function date_entity_metadata_duration_getter($item, array $options, $name, $type) {
  $value = date_entity_metadata_struct_getter($item, $options, 'value', 'struct');
  $value2 = date_entity_metadata_struct_getter($item, $options, 'value2', 'struct');
  if ($value && $value2) {
    return $value2 - $value;

 * Determine if a from/to date combination qualify as 'All day'.
 * @param array $field, the field definition for this date field.
 * @param object $date1, a date/time object for the 'from' date.
 * @param object $date2, a date/time object for the 'to' date.
 * @return TRUE or FALSE.
function date_field_all_day($field, $instance, $date1, $date2 = NULL) {
  if (empty($date1) || !is_object($date1)) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (!date_has_time($field['settings']['granularity'])) {
    return FALSE;
  if (empty($date2)) {
    $date2 = $date1;
  $granularity = $field['settings']['granularity'];
  $granularity = array_pop($granularity);
  $increment = isset($instance['widget']['increment']) ? $instance['widget']['increment'] : 1;
  return date_is_all_day(date_format($date1, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME), date_format($date1, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME), $granularity, $increment);


Namesort descending Description
date_element_info Implements hook_element_info().
date_entity_metadata_duration_getter Getter callback to return the duration of the time period given by the dates.
date_entity_metadata_field_getter Getter callback to return date values as datestamp in UTC from the field.
date_entity_metadata_property_info_alter Callback to alter the property info of date fields.
date_entity_metadata_struct_getter Getter callback to return date values as datestamp in UTC.
date_field_all_day Determine if a from/to date combination qualify as 'All day'.
date_field_get_sql_handler Generate a DateAPI SQL handler for the given CCK date field.
date_field_widget_error Implements hook_field_widget_error().
date_formatter_format Retrieve a date format string from formatter settings.
date_formatter_process Helper function for creating formatted date arrays from a formatter.
date_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter(). Make sure date information gets updated.
date_granularity $field['settings']['granularity'] will contain an array like ('hour' => 'hour', 'month' => 0) where the values turned on return their own names and the values turned off return a zero need to…
date_help Implement hook_help().
date_menu Implements hook_menu().
date_prepare_entity Helper function to adapt entity date fields to formatter settings.
date_process_values Helper function to create an array of the date values in a field that need to be processed.
date_repeat_entity See if the user can access repeat date info on this entity.
date_repeat_type See if there is a date field in this instance.
date_theme Implements hook_theme().