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function date_all_day_date_combo_pre_validate_alter in Date 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 date_all_day/date_all_day.module \date_all_day_date_combo_pre_validate_alter()
  2. 7.2 date_all_day/date_all_day.module \date_all_day_date_combo_pre_validate_alter()

Implements hook_date_combo_pre_validate_alter().

This hook lets us alter the element or the form_state before the rest of the date_combo validation gets fired.


date_all_day/date_all_day.module, line 303
Adds All Day functionality to the Date field.


function date_all_day_date_combo_pre_validate_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
  if (!empty($context['item']['all_day'])) {
    $field = $context['field'];

    // If we have an all day flag on this date and the time is empty,
    // change the format to match the input value so we don't get validation errors.
    $element['#date_is_all_day'] = TRUE;
    $element['value']['#date_date_format'] = date_part_format('date', $element['value']['#date_date_format']);
    if (!empty($field['settings']['todate'])) {
      $element['value2']['#date_date_format'] = date_part_format('date', $element['value2']['#date_date_format']);