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function template_preprocess_datatables_view in DataTables 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 datatables.module \template_preprocess_datatables_view()
  2. 7 datatables.module \template_preprocess_datatables_view()

Display a view as a DataTable style.


./datatables.module, line 244
Provides integration of the jQuery DataTables plugin


function template_preprocess_datatables_view(&$vars) {

  // Run views table preprocess function to handle putting rows in columns,
  // classes, etc.

  // No need to add anything if there are no rows.
  if (!$vars['rows']) {
  $view = $vars['view'];
  $options = $view->style_plugin->options;
  $handler = $view->style_plugin;
  $fields =& $view->field;
  $columns = $handler
    ->sanitize_columns($options['columns'], $fields);
  $position = 0;
  foreach ($columns as $field => $column) {
    $column_options = NULL;
    if (isset($options['hidden_columns'][$field])) {
      switch ($options['hidden_columns'][$field]) {
        case 'expandable':
          $datatable_options['bExpandable'] = TRUE;

        // ... and fall through, since expandable columns are also hidden.
        case 'hidden':

          // Hidden or expandable columns get the bVisible init option set to
          // false.
          $column_options['bVisible'] = FALSE;

    // Render the header labels.
    if ($field == $column && empty($fields[$field]->options['exclude'])) {

      // Overrides clicksort head defined in
      // template_preprocess_views_view_table().
      $vars['header'][$field] = check_plain(!empty($fields[$field]) ? $fields[$field]
        ->label() : '');
      if (empty($options['info'][$field]['sortable']) || !$fields[$field]
        ->click_sortable()) {
        $column_options['bSortable'] = FALSE;
      else {

        // Attempt to autodetect the type of field in order to handle sorting
        // correctly.
        if (drupal_strlen($fields[$field]->last_render) != drupal_strlen(strip_tags($fields[$field]->last_render))) {
          $column_options['sType'] = 'html';
        elseif (is_numeric($fields[$field]->last_render)) {
          $column_options['sType'] = 'numeric';
        elseif ($fields[$field] instanceof views_handler_field_date) {
          $column_options['sType'] = 'date';
        $column_options['bSortable'] = TRUE;
      $datatable_options['aoColumns'][] = $column_options;
      $datatable_options['aoColumnHeaders'][] = $vars['header'][$field];

    // Set default sort order.
    $datatable_options['aaSorting'] = array();
    if ($options['default'] == $field) {
      $datatable_options['aaSorting'] = array(

  // Enable table info display, if necessary.
  $datatable_options['bInfo'] = $options['elements']['table_info'];
  $datatable_options['bFilter'] = $options['elements']['search_box'];
  $datatable_options['bStateSave'] = $options['elements']['save_state'];
  $datatable_options['bLengthChange'] = $options['pages']['length_change'];
  $datatable_options['iDisplayLength'] = (int) $options['pages']['display_length'];

  // Enable ThemeRoller support, if necessary.
  if ($options['layout']['themeroller']) {
    $datatable_options['bJQueryUI'] = TRUE;

  // Pass the sDOM parameter, if one is specified.
  if ($options['layout']['sdom']) {
    $datatable_options['sDom'] = $options['layout']['sdom'];
  $datatable_options['bAutoWidth'] = $options['layout']['autowidth'];

  // Enable full_numbers pagination if selected.
  switch ($options['pages']['pagination_style']) {
    case 'full_numbers':
      $datatable_options['sPaginationType'] = 'full_numbers';
    case 'no_pagination':
      $datatable_options['bPaginate'] = FALSE;

      // Do nothing. No parameters need to be sent for the default (two-button)
      // style.

  // Enable TableTools plugin support, if necessary.
  if ($options['elements']['table_tools']) {
    $datatable_options['oTableTools'] = array(
      'sSwfPath' => base_path() . _datatables_get_path() . '/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf',

    // If a custom sDom is passed, assume that "T" is added, otherwise add it
    // manually.
    if (!$options['layout']['sdom']) {
      $datatable_options['sDom'] = 'T<"clear">lfrtip';
    drupal_add_library('datatables', 'datatables-tabletools');
  $datatable_options['oLanguage'] = array(
    'sEmptyTable' => t('No data available in table'),
    'sInfo' => t('Start !_START_ to !_END_ of !_TOTAL_ entries', array(
      '!_START_' => '_START_',
      '!_END_' => '_END_',
      '!_TOTAL_' => '_TOTAL_',
    'sInfoEmpty' => t('Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries'),
    'sInfoFiltered' => t('(filtered from !_MAX_ total entries)', array(
      '!_MAX_' => '_MAX_',
    'sInfoPostFix' => '',
    'sProcessing' => t('Processing...'),
    'sLengthMenu' => t('Show !_MENU_ entries', array(
      '!_MENU_' => '_MENU_',
    'sLoadingRecords' => t('Loading...'),
    'sZeroRecords' => t('No matching records found'),
    'sSearch' => t('Search'),
    'oPaginate' => array(
      'sFirst' => t('First'),
      'sPrevious' => t('Previous'),
      'sNext' => t('Next'),
      'sLast' => t('Last'),
    'oAria' => array(
      'sSortAscending' => t(': activate to sort column ascending'),
      'sSortDescending' => t(': activate to sort column descending'),
  $vars['id'] = _datatables_get_id();
  $vars['classes_array'][] = 'display';
  drupal_add_library('datatables', 'datatables');
    'datatables' => array(
      '#' . $vars['id'] => $datatable_options,
  ), array(
    'type' => 'setting',
    'scope' => JS_DEFAULT,