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Functions in Data 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_data_update ./data.api.php Invoked after a data record has been updated.
template_preprocess_data_taxonomy_tagging_form data_taxonomy/data_taxonomy.module Preprocessor for theme('data_taxonomy_tagging_form').
theme_data_node_active_form data_node/ Theme for data_node_active_form.
theme_data_node_label data_node/ Theme a label for an existing item-node relationship.
theme_data_search_admin_form data_search/ Theme data_search_admin_form.
theme_data_ui_create_form data_ui/ Theme data_ui_create_form.
theme_data_ui_edit_form data_ui/ Theme data_ui_edit_form.
theme_data_ui_schema_compare_table data_ui/ Theme a schema module comparison result. Ie. the result of schema_compare_table().
theme_data_ui_views_form data_ui/ Theme data_ui_views_form.
_data_load_table ./data.module Loads data table info from the database. 5
_data_node_get_title data_node/data_node.module Static cache node titles to avoid unnecessary node loading. 3
_data_node_hash data_node/data_node.module Create a simple hash of a table name, an id and a nid. 4
_data_override ./data.module Starts overriding a data table by copying it from the default definition into the DB. This function does not have any effect if called on a table that does already exist in data_tables. 1
_data_taxonomy_replace_tokens data_taxonomy/data_taxonomy.module Replaces % in $path with arguments. 1
_data_taxonomy_save_relations data_taxonomy/data_taxonomy.module Save term_data - data table relationships in data_taxonomy table. 3
_data_taxonomy_save_terms data_taxonomy/data_taxonomy.module Helper function, saves a series of taxonomy terms for a record. 2
_data_ui_changed data_ui/ Magic helper function. Detect changed between keys in $new and $field and return a new field spec based on $field IF there are differences. 1
_data_ui_field_form data_ui/ Helper function that generates a form snippet for defining a field. 2
_data_ui_get_join data_ui/ Helper function to get link information for a specific field. 2


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