data_taxonomy.module in Data 6
Hooks and API functions for Data Node module.
data_taxonomy/data_taxonomy.moduleView source
* @file
* Hooks and API functions for Data Node module.
* Implementation of hook_views_api().
function data_taxonomy_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => '2.0',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'data_taxonomy') . '/views',
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function data_taxonomy_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['data-taxonomy/ajax-save'] = array(
'page callback' => 'data_taxonomy_ajax_save',
'page arguments' => array(),
'access arguments' => array(
'edit data taxonomy relations',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['admin/build/data/edit/%data_ui_table/taxonomy'] = array(
'title' => 'Relate to taxonomy',
'description' => 'Administer data tables.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'file' => '',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer data tables',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_theme().
function data_taxonomy_theme() {
return array(
'data_taxonomy_tagging_form' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'form' => array(),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'data_taxonomy') . '/theme',
'template' => 'data-taxonomy-tagging-form',
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function data_taxonomy_perm() {
return array(
'edit data taxonomy relations',
* Implementation of hook_feeds_data_processor_targets_alter().
function data_taxonomy_feeds_data_processor_targets_alter(&$fields, $table_name) {
if ($info = data_taxonomy_get_info($table_name)) {
foreach ($info['vocabularies'] as $vid) {
$vocabulary = data_taxonomy_get_vocabulary($vid);
$fields['data_taxonomy:' . $vid] = array(
'name' => t('Taxonomy: @vocabulary', array(
"@vocabulary" => $vocabulary->name,
'description' => t('Map to taxonomy terms of @vocabulary vocabulary.', array(
"@vocabulary" => $vocabulary->name,
* Implementation of hook_data_insert().
function data_taxonomy_data_insert($record, $table_name) {
if ($info = data_taxonomy_get_info($table_name)) {
$id = $record[$info['id']];
foreach ($info['vocabularies'] as $vid) {
if (isset($record['data_taxonomy:' . $vid])) {
_data_taxonomy_save_terms($table_name, $id, $record['data_taxonomy:' . $vid], data_taxonomy_get_vocabulary($vid));
* Implementation of hook_data_update().
function data_taxonomy_data_update($record, $table_name) {
if ($info = data_taxonomy_get_info($table_name)) {
$id = $record[$info['id']];
foreach ($info['vocabularies'] as $vid) {
if (isset($record['data_taxonomy:' . $vid])) {
$vocabulary = data_taxonomy_get_vocabulary($vid);
_data_taxonomy_save_terms($table_name, $id, $record['data_taxonomy:' . $vid], $vocabulary);
* Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
function data_taxonomy_taxonomy($op = NULL, $type = NULL, $term = NULL) {
if ($type == 'term' && $term['tid'] && $op == 'delete') {
db_query("DELETE FROM {data_taxonomy} WHERE tid = %d", $term['tid']);
* Helper function, saves a series of taxonomy terms for a record.
* Creates new taxonomy terms on the fly for vocabularies that are tags.
* @param $table_name
* Table name of the record.
* @param $id
* Record identifier.
* @param $terms
* An array of terms. Can be an array of tids, term names, term arrays or
* objects that can be casted into a term array. If the target vocabulary is
* a tag vocabulary, non-existing terms will be created on the fly.
* @param $vocabulary
* A vocuabulary object.
function _data_taxonomy_save_terms($table_name, $id, $terms, $vocabulary) {
if (!is_array($terms)) {
$terms = array(
$tids = array();
foreach ($terms as $term) {
if (is_string($term)) {
$term = data_taxonomy_sanitize($term, $vocabulary->vid);
$term = data_taxonomy_save_term_name($term, $vocabulary->vid, $vocabulary->tags);
else {
if (is_object($term)) {
$term = (array) $term;
if (is_array($term)) {
$term['name'] = data_taxonomy_sanitize($term['name'], $vocabulary->vid);
$term = data_taxonomy_save_term_array($term, $vocabulary->vid, $vocabulary->tags);
if (is_array($term)) {
$term = isset($term['tid']) ? $term['tid'] : FALSE;
if (is_numeric($term) && !isset($tids[$term])) {
$tids[$term] = $term;
_data_taxonomy_save_relations($vocabulary->vid, $id, $table_name, $tids);
* Implementation of hook_data_delete_query_alter().
function data_taxonomy_data_delete_query_alter($query, $table_name) {
if ($info = data_taxonomy_get_info($table_name)) {
$table_name = db_escape_table($table_name);
->addJoin('data_taxonomy', "{$table_name}.{$info['id']} = AND data_taxonomy.data_table_name = '{$table_name}'", 'LEFT JOIN');
* Get data_taxonomy information for a given data table.
function data_taxonomy_get_info($table_name) {
static $info = array();
if (!isset($info[$table_name])) {
$info[$table_name] = FALSE;
$meta = data_get_table($table_name)
if (is_array($meta['data_taxonomy'])) {
$info[$table_name] = $meta['data_taxonomy'];
return $info[$table_name];
* Form callback for tagging.
function data_taxonomy_tagging_form(&$form_state, $vid, $id, $table_name, $path, $args) {
$access = user_access('edit data taxonomy relations');
$form = array(
'#theme' => 'data_taxonomy_tagging_form',
$form['vid'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $vid,
'#access' => $access,
$form['id'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $id,
'#access' => $access,
$form['table_name'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $table_name,
'#access' => $access,
$form['path'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $path,
'#access' => $access,
$form['args'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => implode('&', $args),
'#access' => $access,
$result = db_query('SELECT td.tid,, td.vid FROM {term_data} td JOIN {data_taxonomy} dt ON td.tid = dt.tid WHERE dt.data_table_name = "%s" AND = %d AND td.vid = %d', $table_name, $id, $vid);
$tags = $terms = array();
while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$tags[$term->tid] = $term->name;
$terms[$term->tid] = $term;
$form['tags'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => implode(', ', $tags),
'#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/' . $vid,
'#id' => "edit-tags-data-taxonomy-{$vid}-{$id}",
'#access' => $access,
// Ensure our path gets rewritten. We don't use url() here because we're
// not interested in rewrites to parts of the request other than $_GET['q'].
$ajax_path = 'data-taxonomy/ajax-save';
if (function_exists('custom_url_rewrite_outbound')) {
$original_path = $ajax_path;
$options = array();
custom_url_rewrite_outbound($ajax_path, $options, $original_path);
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save'),
'#access' => $access,
// AHAH stack: We need to assign our submit button its own ID as auto
// assignment will quickly lead to a situation where our AJAX form button
// has a different ID from the original.
'#id' => "edit-submit-data-taxonomy-{$vid}-{$id}",
'#ahah' => array(
'path' => $ajax_path,
'wrapper' => "data-taxonomy-tags-{$vid}-{$id}",
'method' => 'replace',
'effect' => 'none',
// Pass on key elements for theming.
$form['#terms'] = $terms;
$form['#path'] = $path;
$form['#args'] = $args;
if ($access) {
$form['#edit'] = l(t('Edit'), $_GET['q'], array(
'fragment' => 'data-taxonomy-edit',
'attributes' => array(
'class' => 'data-taxonomy-edit',
$form['#vocab'] = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
return $form;
* Submit handler.
function data_taxonomy_tagging_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// Using clicked_button allows us to use more than one of the same form on
// a screen.
$post = $form_state['clicked_button']['#post'];
$tids = data_taxonomy_save_tags($form_state['values']['tags'], $post['vid']);
_data_taxonomy_save_relations($post['vid'], $post['id'], $post['table_name'], $tids);
* Save term_data - data table relationships in data_taxonomy table.
function _data_taxonomy_save_relations($vid, $id, $table_name, $tids) {
db_query("DELETE dt FROM {data_taxonomy} dt JOIN {term_data} td ON dt.tid = td.tid WHERE = %d AND dt.data_table_name = '%s' AND td.vid = %d", $id, $table_name, $vid);
foreach ($tids as $tid) {
db_query('INSERT INTO {data_taxonomy} (id, data_table_name, tid) VALUES (%d, "%s", %d)', $id, $table_name, $tid);
* Save a term, create a new one if it does not exist yet.
* @param $name
* A taxonomy term name to look up and save.
* @param $vid
* A <em>numeric</em> vocabulary id (vid).
* @return
* A taxonomy term array.
function data_taxonomy_save_term_name($name, $vid) {
if ($term = data_taxonomy_lookup_term($name, $vid)) {
return $term;
$term = array(
'vid' => $vid,
'name' => $name,
return $term;
* Save a term array, create a new one if it does not exist yet.
* @param $term
* A taxonomy term array to look up and save.
* @param $vid
* A <em>numeric</em> vocabulary id (vid).
* @return
* A taxonomy term array.
function data_taxonomy_save_term_array($term, $vid) {
if (!isset($term[$vid])) {
$term['vid'] = $vid;
if (!isset($term['tid']) || $term['vid'] != $vid) {
if ($lookup = data_taxonomy_lookup_term($term['name'], $vid)) {
$term = $term + $lookup;
return $term;
* Sanitize a term name depending on its vocabulary settings.
function data_taxonomy_sanitize($name, $vid) {
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
if ($vocabulary->tags) {
// Make sure there aren't any terms with a comma (=tag delimiter) in it.
return preg_replace('/\\s*,\\s*/', ' ', $name);
return $name;
* Look up a term by name and vid.
* @param $name
* Term name.
* @param $vid
* A <em>numeric</em> vocabulary id (vid).
* @return
* A taxonomy term array if there is a term for $name/$vid, NULL otherwise.
function data_taxonomy_lookup_term($name, $vid) {
static $terms;
if (!isset($terms[$vid][$name])) {
foreach (data_taxonomy_get_term_by_name_vid($name, $vid) as $term) {
if ($term->vid == $vid) {
$terms[$vid][$name] = (array) $term;
return isset($terms[$vid][$name]) ? $terms[$vid][$name] : NULL;
* Look up a term by name and vocabulary id.
* @see taxonomy_get_term_by_name().
function data_taxonomy_get_term_by_name_vid($name, $vid) {
$db_result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT t.tid, t.* FROM {term_data} t WHERE t.vid = %d AND LOWER( = LOWER('%s')", 't', 'tid'), $vid, trim($name));
$result = array();
while ($term = db_fetch_object($db_result)) {
$result[] = $term;
return $result;
* Explode terms from typed input, create new terms.
* @param $typed_input
* A comma separated list of terms.
* @param $vid
* A <em>numeric</em> vocabulary id (vid).
* @todo: This should actually live in taxonomy module.
* @return
* Array of tids corresponding to the terms in typed_input.
function data_taxonomy_save_tags($typed_input, $vid) {
$tids = array();
foreach (drupal_explode_tags($typed_input) as $typed_term) {
$term = data_taxonomy_save_term_name($typed_term, $vid);
// Cast the edit as an object as though it were retrieved from the DB.
$tids[$term['tid']] = (object) $term;
return $tids;
* AHAH callback for saving terms.
* @todo: Verify form token.
function data_taxonomy_ajax_save() {
$cached_form_state = array();
$files = array();
$cached_form = form_get_cache($_POST['form_build_id'], $cached_form_state);
if ($cached_form['form_token']['#default_value'] == $_POST['form_token']) {
// Rebuild $form_state['values'].
$form_state = array(
'values' => $_POST,
foreach (element_children($cached_form) as $elem) {
if ($cached_form[$elem]['#type'] === 'value' && isset($cached_form[$elem]['#value'])) {
$form_state['values'][$elem] = $cached_form[$elem]['#value'];
// Process and save terms & relations.
$values = $form_state['values'];
$terms = data_taxonomy_save_tags($values['tags'], $values['vid']);
_data_taxonomy_save_relations($values['vid'], $values['id'], $values['table_name'], array_keys($terms));
'status' => 1,
'data' => theme('links', data_taxonomy_tag_links($terms, $_POST['path'], explode('&', $_POST['args'])), array(
'class' => 'links data-taxonomy-tags',
'status' => 1,
'data' => 'Error submitting form',
* Generate a links array suitable for use with theme('links') from an array of
* taxonomy terms.
* @param $terms
* An array of terms.
* @param $path
* The path template to use (e. g. path/%/!tid/%)
* @param $args
* The arguments to use in the path template, used to replace %'s in $path.
function data_taxonomy_tag_links($terms, $path, $args) {
$tags = array();
$path = _data_taxonomy_replace_tokens($path, $args);
foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) {
$tags[] = array(
'title' => $term->name,
'href' => str_replace('!term', $term->name, str_replace('!tid', $term->tid, $path)),
return $tags;
* Replaces % in $path with arguments.
* @todo: Replace missing % not with 'all' but with value depending on argument
* setting.
* @param $path
* A path template like path/%/!tid/%
* @param $args
* An array of arguments used to replace % characters in path.
* @return
* A path with replaced tokens like path/arg1/!tid/arg2
function _data_taxonomy_replace_tokens($path, $args) {
if (is_array($args)) {
$args = array_filter($args);
$pos = strpos($path, '%');
while ($pos !== FALSE && count($args)) {
$path = substr_replace($path, array_shift($args), $pos, 1);
$pos = strpos($path, '%');
$path = str_replace('%', 'all', $path);
return $path;
* Preprocessor for theme('data_taxonomy_tagging_form').
function template_preprocess_data_taxonomy_tagging_form(&$vars) {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'data_taxonomy') . '/theme/data_taxonomy.js');
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'data_taxonomy') . '/theme/data_taxonomy.css');
$vars['label'] = $vars['form']['#vocab']->name;
if ($vars['form']['#edit']) {
$vars['edit'] = $vars['form']['#edit'];
$vars['tags'] = theme('links', data_taxonomy_tag_links($vars['form']['#terms'], $vars['form']['#path'], $vars['form']['#args']), array(
'class' => 'links data-taxonomy-tags',
* Get a vocabulary by vid or module name.
* @param $id
* A module name or a numeric vocabulary id.
* @return
* An object of type stdClass that represents a vocabulary.
function data_taxonomy_get_vocabulary($id) {
static $vocabularies;
if (!isset($vocabularies[$id])) {
foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vocabulary) {
if ($vocabulary->vid == $id) {
$vocabularies[$id] = $vocabulary;
elseif ($vocabulary->module == $id) {
$vocabularies[$id] = $vocabulary;
return $vocabularies[$id];
* Return the vocabulary identifier, the vocabulary's vid or module.
* @return
* Vocabulary's module name if it is a features vocabulary (= exportable),
* vocabulary's vid otherwise.
function data_taxonomy_vocabulary_id($vocabulary) {
if (strpos($vocabulary->module, 'features_') === 0) {
return $vocabulary->module;
return $vocabulary->vid;
Name![]() |
Description |
data_taxonomy_ajax_save | AHAH callback for saving terms. |
data_taxonomy_data_delete_query_alter | Implementation of hook_data_delete_query_alter(). |
data_taxonomy_data_insert | Implementation of hook_data_insert(). |
data_taxonomy_data_update | Implementation of hook_data_update(). |
data_taxonomy_feeds_data_processor_targets_alter | Implementation of hook_feeds_data_processor_targets_alter(). |
data_taxonomy_get_info | Get data_taxonomy information for a given data table. |
data_taxonomy_get_term_by_name_vid | Look up a term by name and vocabulary id. |
data_taxonomy_get_vocabulary | Get a vocabulary by vid or module name. |
data_taxonomy_lookup_term | Look up a term by name and vid. |
data_taxonomy_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
data_taxonomy_perm | Implementation of hook_perm(). |
data_taxonomy_sanitize | Sanitize a term name depending on its vocabulary settings. |
data_taxonomy_save_tags | Explode terms from typed input, create new terms. |
data_taxonomy_save_term_array | Save a term array, create a new one if it does not exist yet. |
data_taxonomy_save_term_name | Save a term, create a new one if it does not exist yet. |
data_taxonomy_tagging_form | Form callback for tagging. |
data_taxonomy_tagging_form_submit | Submit handler. |
data_taxonomy_tag_links | Generate a links array suitable for use with theme('links') from an array of taxonomy terms. |
data_taxonomy_taxonomy | Implementation of hook_taxonomy(). |
data_taxonomy_theme | Implementation of hook_theme(). |
data_taxonomy_views_api | Implementation of hook_views_api(). |
data_taxonomy_vocabulary_id | Return the vocabulary identifier, the vocabulary's vid or module. |
template_preprocess_data_taxonomy_tagging_form | Preprocessor for theme('data_taxonomy_tagging_form'). |
_data_taxonomy_replace_tokens | Replaces % in $path with arguments. |
_data_taxonomy_save_relations | Save term_data - data table relationships in data_taxonomy table. |
_data_taxonomy_save_terms | Helper function, saves a series of taxonomy terms for a record. |