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data.routing.yml in Data 8


View source
  1. entity.data_table_config.collection:
  2. path: '/admin/structure/data'
  3. defaults:
  4. # Calls the list controller, defined in the annotation of the contact entity.
  5. _entity_list: 'data_table_config'
  6. _title: 'Data tables'
  7. requirements:
  8. # Checks for permission directly.
  9. _permission: 'administer data tables'
  10. entity.data_table_config.adopt_form:
  11. path: '/admin/structure/data/adopt'
  12. defaults:
  13. _form: '\Drupal\data\Form\TableAdoptForm'
  14. requirements:
  15. _permission: 'administer data tables'