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function d3_get_library_info_handler in d3.js 7

Get a handler object for a library.


string $type: The handler type. i.e. 'views'.

Return value

$object Instance of D3LibraryInfoController

See also


3 calls to d3_get_library_info_handler()
D3InfoHandlerTest::setUp in tests/d3_info_handler.test
Sets up unit test environment.
d3_detect_library_info in ./d3.module
Library post-detect callback to process info files before caching.
d3_views_plugin_style_d3::init in modules/d3_views/views/plugins/
Initialize a style plugin.


./d3.module, line 206
D3 module file for creating visualizations with d3.js.


function d3_get_library_info_handler($key = 'default') {
  static $handlers;
  if (!$handlers) {
    $handlers = d3_get_library_info_handlers_info();
  $handler = !empty($handlers[$key]) ? $handlers[$key] : $handlers['default'];
  if (class_exists($handler['controller'])) {

    // Instantiate controller class.
    $controller = new $handler['controller']($handler);
    if ($controller instanceof D3LibraryInfoController) {

      // These are the info file keys that will be processed.
  return $controller;