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function customfilter_filter_delete in Custom filter 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 customfilter.module \customfilter_filter_delete()
  2. 6 \customfilter_filter_delete()
  3. 7 customfilter.module \customfilter_filter_delete()

Return the filter delete form.

Create the form used in admin/config/content/customfilter/%/delete

1 string reference to 'customfilter_filter_delete'
customfilter_menu in ./customfilter.module
Implements hook_menu().


./customfilter.module, line 789
Allows the users with the right permission to define custom filters.


function customfilter_filter_delete($variables, $form_state, $fid) {
  $filters = _customfilter_get_filters();
  $form = array();
  if (!$fid || !isset($filters[$fid])) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The filter data have not been found, or the menu callback received a wrong parameter.'), 'error');
    watchdog('customfilter', 'The filter data have not been found, or the menu callback received a wrong parameter.', NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return $form;
  $form['#fid'] = $fid;
  return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to delete %name?', array(
    '%name' => $filters[$fid]['name'],
  )), 'admin/config/content/customfilter', NULL, t('Delete'));