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function custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_exit in Custom Breadcrumbs 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy/custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy.module \custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_exit()

Implements hook_exit().


custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy/custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy.module, line 600
Main file for the Custom breadcrumbs for taxonomy.


function custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_exit() {

  // Optionally, do not cache page on which a taxonomy breadcrumb has been set.
  // For nodes with more than one vocabulary, the breadcrumb may depend on the
  // sequence of pages visited.
  // If the page is cached for anonymous users (normal caching) for performance,
  // the breadcrumb may not reflect.
  // the correct sequence. This should not be a problem for authenticated users.
  if (variable_get('custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_uncache', FALSE) && isset($_SESSION['custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_set'])) {
    global $base_root;
    cache_clear_all($base_root . request_uri(), 'cache_page');