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function custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers_cb_identifier_values in Custom Breadcrumbs 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers/custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers.module \custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers_cb_identifier_values()

Implements hook_cb_identifier_values().

This function prepares an array of crumb items to replace an identifier. The identifier should be a string starting with '<' and ending with '>'. The function also requires an object to make the substitution. Usually, this object will include the crumb title and path, but may contain other properties that can be used.

This function returns an array of crumb items. Each crumb item is an associative array with keys 'crumb' = the html crumb to use in the breadcrumb 'title' = the title of the crumb 'href' = the link path


custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers/custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers.module, line 44
Provide special identifiers for use with custom breadcrumbs.


function custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers_cb_identifier_values($identifier, $obj) {
  $crumb_items = NULL;
  switch ($identifier) {
    case '<none>':
      $title = check_plain($obj['title']);

      // Optionally wrap plain text crumb in span tag with class identifiers.
      if (variable_get('custom_breadcrumbs_none_span', FALSE)) {
        $class = 'custom-breadcrumbs-none';
        $attributes = $obj['attributes']['attributes'];
        if (!empty($attributes['class'])) {
          $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
        else {
          $attributes['class'] = $class;
        $title = '<span' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . $title . '</span>';
      $crumb_item = array(
        'crumb' => $title,
        'title' => $obj['title'],
      $crumb_items[] = $crumb_item;
    case '<page-title>':

      // Decode title to properly handle special characters.
      $title = filter_xss(drupal_get_title());
      $crumb_item = array(
        'crumb' => $title,
        'title' => $title,
      $crumb_items[] = $crumb_item;
    case '<pathauto>':
      $options = parse_url($obj['path']);
      $options = array_merge($options, $obj['attributes']);
      if (module_exists('pathauto')) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto', 'pathauto');
        $patharray = explode('/', $options['path']);
        foreach ($patharray as $k => $v) {
          $patharray[$k] = pathauto_cleanstring($v);
        $options['path'] = implode('/', $patharray);
        $crumb = l($obj['title'], $options['path'], $options);
      else {
        $crumb = l($obj['title'], $options['path'], $options);
      $crumb_item = array(
        'crumb' => $crumb,
        'title' => $obj['title'],
        'href' => $obj['path'],
      $crumb_items[] = $crumb_item;

    // New identifiers can be added here.
    case '<book-hierarchy>':

      // Get the node object for the current page and make sure its a book page.
      if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) && !arg(2)) {
        $node = node_load(array(
          'nid' => arg(1),
        do {
          if (isset($node->book['plid']) && $node->book['plid'] != 0 && count($crumb_items) < 9) {
            $parent = book_link_load($node->book['plid']);
            $node = node_load(array(
              'nid' => $parent['nid'],
            $item = array(
              'crumb' => l($node->book['title'], $node->book['href']),
              'title' => $node->book['title'],
              'href' => $node->book['href'],
            $crumb_items[] = $item;
            $ascend = TRUE;
          else {
            $ascend = FALSE;
        } while ($ascend);
        if (count($crumb_items) > 1) {
          $crumb_items = array_reverse($crumb_items);
        if (empty($crumb_items)) {

          // Return an empty array.
          $crumb_items[] = array();

    // Support for showing a paths parent menu link items as crumbs.
    case '<menu-parent-trail>':
      $title = $obj['title'];
      $path = $obj['path'] != '' ? $obj['path'] : $_GET['q'];
      $attributes = $obj['attributes'];

      // Search for both alias and normal path.
      $normal_path = drupal_get_normal_path($path);
      $query = "SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path IN ('%s', '%s')";
      $menu_item = db_fetch_object(db_query_range($query, $normal_path, $path, 0, 1));
      if ($menu_item) {

        // Parent ids of menu item.
        $pids = array(
        $pids = array_unique(array_filter($pids));

        // Remove mlid.
        $mlid_key = array_search($menu_item->mlid, $pids);
        if ($mlid_key !== FALSE) {

        // Return empty if no parents given.
        if (!count($pids)) {
          return array();

        // Build the replacement string.
        $s = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($pids), "'%s'"));

        // Query parent items.
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid IN (' . $s . ')';
        $result = db_query($query, $pids);
        $trail = array();
        while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) {
          $i = array_search($item->mlid, $pids);
          $trail[$i] = array(
            'title' => $item->link_title,
            'href' => $item->link_path,
            'crumb' => l($item->link_title, $item->link_path, $attributes),
        return $trail;
      else {
        return array();
  return $crumb_items;