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function _custom_breadcrumbs_construct_view_path in Custom Breadcrumbs 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \_custom_breadcrumbs_construct_view_path()

Constructs the view path replacing wildcards with arguments.


object $display: The view $display object.

Return value

viewpath The complete path to the view.

3 calls to _custom_breadcrumbs_construct_view_path()
custom_breadcrumbs_paths_views_pre_render in custom_breadcrumbs_paths/custom_breadcrumbs_paths.module
Implements hook_views_pre_render().
custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy_views_pre_render in custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy/custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy.module
Implements hook_views_pre_render().
custom_breadcrumbs_views_views_post_render in custom_breadcrumbs_views/custom_breadcrumbs_views.module
Implements hook_views_post_render().


./, line 39
Common helper functions used by custom breadcrumbs submodules.


function _custom_breadcrumbs_construct_view_path($display) {

  // @todo changes needed for D7?
  $bits = explode('/', $display->display_options['path']);
  $args = arg();
  foreach ($bits as $pos => $bit) {
    if (!empty($args)) {
      $arg = array_shift($args);
      if ($bit == '%') {
        $bits[$pos] = $arg;
  if (!empty($args)) {

    // Add any additional arguments to end of path.
    $bits = array_merge($bits, $args);
  $viewpath = implode('/', $bits);
  return $viewpath;