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function _custom_breadcrumbs_menu_stack in Custom Breadcrumbs 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 custom_breadcrumbs.module \_custom_breadcrumbs_menu_stack()

Stores the recursion levels.


string $link: If a menu item link is passed, it will be appended to the stack. If none is given, the stack will be returned and popped by one.

Return value

string The stack, if no parameter is given.

2 calls to _custom_breadcrumbs_menu_stack()
custom_breadcrumbs_theme_menu_item in ./custom_breadcrumbs.module
Theme Menu Item.
custom_breadcrumbs_theme_menu_item_link in ./custom_breadcrumbs.module
Preprocessor for menu_item_link.


./custom_breadcrumbs.module, line 1244
Main file for the Custom breadcrumbs.


function _custom_breadcrumbs_menu_stack($link = FALSE) {
  static $stack = array();
  if ($link) {
    array_push($stack, $link);
  else {
    return array_pop($stack);