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function _custom_breadcrumbs_create_crumb_items in Custom Breadcrumbs 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 custom_breadcrumbs.module \_custom_breadcrumbs_create_crumb_items()

Creates one or more crumb items out of a custom breadcrumb definition line.



string $title: Title string of the custom breadcrumb definition (after token replacement).

string $original_path: Path string of the custom breadcrumb definition (after token replacment) which may contain a special identifier.

array $attributes: An array of additional attributes for the breadcrumb item.

Return value

array An array of one or multiple crumb items. In most cases, especially without an identifier, it is only an array of one item.

1 call to _custom_breadcrumbs_create_crumb_items()
_custom_breadcrumbs_get_trail_items in ./custom_breadcrumbs.module
Builds the trail items for a given breadcrumb specification.


./custom_breadcrumbs.module, line 652
Main file for the Custom breadcrumbs.


function _custom_breadcrumbs_create_crumb_items($title, $original_path, $attributes = array()) {

  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  // The array to return.
  $crumbs = array();

  // Decode title to properly handle special characters.
  $original_title = decode_entities($title);

  // Extract title attribute, if present.
  $title_parts = explode("|", $original_title, 2);
  $title = $title_parts[0];
  if (isset($title_parts[1])) {
    $attributes['attributes']['title'] = $title_parts[1];

  // Collapse double slashes to one, except after a colon.
  $original_path = preg_replace('/[^:](\\/\\/+)/', '/', $original_path);

  // Removing leading and trailing slashes.
  $original_path = preg_replace('/^\\/|\\/+$/', '', $original_path);
  $path_parts = explode("|", $original_path, 2);
  $values = NULL;

  // Assume an identifier is present since there are some identifiers that
  // don't use the pipe operator.
  $identifier = trim($path_parts[0]);
  $path = isset($path_parts[1]) ? $path_parts[1] : NULL;

  // Replace identifiers provided by modules implementing
  // hook_cb_identifier_values.
  $obj = array(
    'title' => $title,
    'path' => $path,
    'attributes' => $attributes,
  foreach (module_implements('cb_identifier_values') as $module) {
    $values = module_invoke($module, 'cb_identifier_values', $identifier, $obj);
    if (isset($values)) {
  if (isset($values)) {

    // Ease return values for callbacks.
    if (!is_array($values)) {
      $crumbs[] = array(
        'crumb' => $values,
        'title' => $title,
        'href' => $path,
    elseif (isset($values['crumb']) || isset($values['title']) || isset($values['href'])) {
      $crumbs[] = $values;
    else {
      $crumbs = $values;
  else {

    // Use original path if no pipe was given.
    if (!isset($path)) {
      $path = $original_path;
    if ($path != '<none>') {
      $options = drupal_parse_url($path);
      $options = array_merge($options, $attributes);
      if (!is_array($options)) {
        $options[] = $options;
      $crumbs[] = array(
        'crumb' => l($title, $options['path'], $options),
        'title' => $title,
        'href' => $options['path'],
    else {
      $crumbs[] = array(
        'crumb' => check_plain($title),
        'title' => $title,
  return $crumbs;