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function custom_breadcrumbs_admin_settings_submit in Custom Breadcrumbs 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \custom_breadcrumbs_admin_settings_submit()

Form submission handler for custom_breadcrumbs_admin_settings().

See also


1 string reference to 'custom_breadcrumbs_admin_settings_submit'
custom_breadcrumbs_admin_settings in ./
Form builder; Configure basic and advanced custom breadcrumbs settings for this site.


./, line 575
Admin page callback file for the custom_breadcrumbs module.


function custom_breadcrumbs_admin_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!empty($form['adv_settings']['module_weights']['table']) && $form_state['values']['custom_breadcrumbs_adjust_module_weights']) {

    // Set the initial weight of the lightest module to zero.
    $current_mod_weight = 0;
    $table = array(
      'module name' => array(),
      'table weight' => array(),
      'module weight' => array(),

    // Prepare module table that can be sorted by table weight.
    foreach ($form_state['values']['table'] as $module_id => $value) {
      if (is_numeric($module_id)) {
        $module = $form['adv_settings']['module_weights']['table'][$module_id]['#module'];
        $table['table weight'][$module] = $form_state['values']['table'][$module_id]['weight'];
        $table['module weight'][$module] = $form['adv_settings']['module_weights']['table'][$module_id]['#weight'];

    // Sort module list by table weight.
    array_multisort($table['table weight'], $table['module weight']);
    foreach ($table['module weight'] as $module => $orig_weight) {

      // Find the module's minimum weight determined by dependence on other modules.
      $func = $module . '_minimum_module_weight';
      $min = function_exists($func) ? $func() : 0;
      $weight = max($min, $current_mod_weight);

      // Update module weight in the system table if it has changed.
      if ($orig_weight != $weight) {
        db_query("UPDATE {system} SET weight = %d WHERE name = '%s'", $weight, $module);
        variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);
      $current_mod_weight = $weight + 1;

  // Rebuild the theme registry if custom_breadcrumbs_force_active_trail has changed.
  if ($form_state['values']['custom_breadcrumbs_force_active_trail'] != $form['adv_settings']['custom_breadcrumbs_force_active_trail']['#default_value']) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The theme registry has been rebuilt'));