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Files in Custom add another 8

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
AddAnotherItemButtonTest.php src/Tests/AddAnotherItemButtonTest.php Drupal\custom_add_another\Tests
custom_add_another.module custom_add_another.module Allows the 'Add another item' button text to be customised.
custom_add_another.schema.yml config/schema/custom_add_another.schema.yml config/schema/custom_add_another.schema.yml
README.txt README.txt Custom add another ================== This is a very simple module that allows you to customise the text of the 'Add another item' button on multi-valued fields. If your field supports 'unlimited' values then you are offered the…
RemoveButtonTest.php src/Tests/RemoveButtonTest.php Drupal\custom_add_another\Tests

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