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Functions in Currency 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
currency_admin_settings ./currency.module Menu callback; module settings form. 1
currency_api_admin_settings currency_api/currency_api.module Menu callback; module settings form. 1
currency_api_convert currency_api/currency_api.module Currency exchange rate API function. 3
currency_api_filter_info currency_api/currency_api.module Implements hook_filter_info().
currency_api_get_currencies currency_api/currency_api.module Returns an array of all currency properties. 2
currency_api_get_desc currency_api/currency_api.module Currency exchange API function. 2
currency_api_get_fields currency_api/currency_api.module Helper function to build yahoo finance api request. 1
currency_api_get_list currency_api/currency_api.module Returns an array of all currency names. 5
currency_api_get_symbol currency_api/currency_api.module Returns the symbol for a currency code.
currency_api_get_symbols currency_api/currency_api.module Returns an array of all currency symbols. 1
currency_api_help currency_api/currency_api.module Implements hook_help().
currency_api_load currency_api/currency_api.module Fetch cached rate for from and to currencies. Retrieve from static array variable, else from database. 1
currency_api_menu currency_api/currency_api.module Implements hook_menu().
currency_api_save currency_api/currency_api.module Cache rate for from and to countries delete outdated record, if exists. 1
currency_api_schema currency_api/currency_api.install Implements hook_schema().
currency_api_theme currency_api/currency_api.module Implements hook_theme().
currency_api_uninstall currency_api/currency_api.install Implements hook_uninstall().
currency_form ./currency.module Currency exchange form. 1
currency_form_submit ./currency.module Submit handler for the currency exchange form.
currency_form_validate ./currency.module Validate handler for the currency exchange form.
currency_help ./currency.module Implements hook_help().
currency_log currency_api/currency_api.module Helper function to log messages to watchdog. 1
currency_menu ./currency.module Implements hook_menu().
currency_permission ./currency.module Implements hook_permission().
currency_theme ./currency.module Implements hook_theme().
currency_views_api ./currency.module Implements hook_views().
currency_views_data includes/views/ Implements hook_views_data().
currency_views_preload includes/views/ Calls currency_api_convert for every exchange rate that should be displayed according to filter and argument settings to ensure that rates are in the database when views performs it's query. 2
theme_currency_api_amount currency_api/currency_api.module Custom theme to display currency amount.
theme_currency_result ./currency.module Theme implementation for currency exchange result.
_currency_api_filter currency_api/currency_api.module Converts currency tokens. 1
_currency_api_filter_process currency_api/currency_api.module Processes values for the currency api filter. 1
_currency_views_get_selected_options includes/views/ Helper function to get the filter's selected options. 1

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