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static function CurrencyExchangerInterface::loadMultiple in Currency 7.2

Returns the exchange rates for multiple currency combinations.


array $currency_codes: Keys are the ISO 4217 codes of source currencies, values are arrays that contain ISO 4217 codes of destination currencies. Example: array( 'EUR' => array('NLG', 'DEM', 'XXX'), )

Return value

array Keys are the ISO 4217 codes of source currencies, values are arrays of which the keys are ISO 4217 codes of destination currencies and values are the exchange rates as numeric strings, or FALSE for combinations of currencies for which no exchange rate could be found. Example: array( 'EUR' => array( 'NLG' => 2.20371, 'DEM' => 1.95583, 'XXX' => FALSE, ), )

3 methods override CurrencyExchangerInterface::loadMultiple()
CurrencyExchanger::loadMultiple in currency/includes/
Implements CurrencyExchangerInterface::loadMultiple().
CurrencyExchangerBartFeenstraCurrency::loadMultiple in currency/includes/
Implements CurrencyExchangerInterface::loadMultiple().
CurrencyExchangerFixedRates::loadMultiple in currency/includes/
Implements CurrencyExchangerInterface::loadMultiple().


currency/includes/, line 47
Contains interface CurrencyExchangerInterface.


Describes a currency exchanger.


static function loadMultiple(array $currency_codes);