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function currency_form_currency_amount_validate in Currency 7.2

Implements form validate callback for a currency_amount element.

1 string reference to 'currency_form_currency_amount_validate'
currency_element_info in currency/currency.module
Implements hook_element_info().


currency/currency.module, line 291
Provides currency information and allows users to add custom currencies.


function currency_form_currency_amount_validate(array $element, array &$form_state) {
  $value = $element['#value'];
  $amount = $value['amount'];
  $currency_code = isset($value['currency_code']) ? $value['currency_code'] : $element['#currency_code'];
  try {
    $amount = Input::parseAmount($amount);
  } catch (AmountInvalidDecimalSeparatorException $e) {
    form_error($element['amount'], t('The amount can only have no or one decimal separator and it must be one of %decimal_separators.', array(
      '%decimal_separators' => implode(Input::$decimalSeparators),
  } catch (AmountNotNumericException $e) {
    form_error($element['amount'], t('The amount can only consist of a minus sign, decimals and one decimal mark.'));

  // Confirm the amount lies within the allowed range.
  $currency = currency_load($currency_code);
  if ($element['#minimum_amount'] !== FALSE && bccomp($element['#minimum_amount'], $amount, CURRENCY_BCMATH_SCALE) == 1) {
    form_error($element['amount'], t('The minimum amount is !amount.', array(
      '!amount' => $currency
  elseif ($element['#maximum_amount'] !== FALSE && bccomp($amount, $element['#maximum_amount'], CURRENCY_BCMATH_SCALE) == 1) {
    form_error($element['amount'], t('The maximum amount is !amount.', array(
      '!amount' => $currency

  // The amount in $form_state is a human-readable, optionally localized
  // string, which cannot be used by other code. $amount is a numeric string
  // after running it through Input::parseAmount().
  form_set_value($element, array(
    'amount' => $amount,
    'currency_code' => $currency_code,
  ), $form_state);