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class crumbs_CurrentPageInfo in Crumbs, the Breadcrumbs suite 7.2

Creates various data related to the current page.

The data is provided to the rest of the world via crumbs_Container_LazyData. Each method in here corresponds to one key on the data cache.

The $page argument on each method is the data cache itself. The argument can be mocked with a simple stdClass, to test the behavior of each method. (if we had the time to write unit tests)

@property bool $breadcrumbSuppressed @property array $breadcrumbData @property array $trail @property array $rawBreadcrumbItems @property bool $showCurrentPage @property bool $trailingSeparator @property bool $showFrontPage @property int $minTrailItems @property string $separator @property bool $separatorSpan @property int $minVisibleItems @property array $breadcrumbItems @property string $breadcrumbHtml @property array[] $metaBreadcrumbItems @property array $jsonLdData @property string $jsonLdScriptTag @property string $path


Expanded class hierarchy of crumbs_CurrentPageInfo

See also




lib/CurrentPageInfo.php, line 34

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class crumbs_CurrentPageInfo extends crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyData {

   * @var crumbs_TrailCache
  protected $trails;

   * @var crumbs_BreadcrumbBuilder
  protected $breadcrumbBuilder;

   * @var crumbs_Router
  protected $router;

   * @param crumbs_TrailCache $trails
   * @param crumbs_BreadcrumbBuilder $breadcrumbBuilder
   * @param crumbs_Router $router
  function __construct($trails, $breadcrumbBuilder, $router) {
    $this->trails = $trails;
    $this->breadcrumbBuilder = $breadcrumbBuilder;
    $this->router = $router;

   * Check if the breadcrumb is to be suppressed altogether.
   * @return bool
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$breadcrumbSuppressed
  protected function breadcrumbSuppressed() {

    // @todo Make this work!
    return FALSE;
    $existing_breadcrumb = drupal_get_breadcrumb();

    // If the existing breadcrumb is empty, that means a module has
    // intentionally removed it. Honor that, and stop here.
    return empty($existing_breadcrumb);

   * Assemble all breadcrumb data.
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$breadcrumbData
  protected function breadcrumbData() {
    if (empty($this->breadcrumbItems)) {
      return FALSE;
    return array(
      'trail' => $this->trail,
      'items' => $this->breadcrumbItems,
      'html' => $this->breadcrumbHtml,

   * Build the Crumbs trail.
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$trail
  protected function trail() {
    return $this->trails

   * Build the raw breadcrumb based on the $page->trail.
   * Each breadcrumb item is a router item taken from the trail, with
   * two additional/updated keys:
   * - title: The title of the breadcrumb item as received from a plugin.
   * - localized_options: An array of options passed to l() if needed.
   * The altering will happen in a separate step, so
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$rawBreadcrumbItems
  protected function rawBreadcrumbItems() {
    if ($this->breadcrumbSuppressed) {
      return array();
    if (user_access('administer crumbs')) {

      // Remember which pages we are visiting,
      // for the autocomplete on admin/structure/crumbs/debug.
      $_SESSION['crumbs.admin.debug.history'][$this->path] = TRUE;

      // Never remember more than 15 links.
      while (15 < count($_SESSION['crumbs.admin.debug.history'])) {
    $trail = $this->trail;
    if (count($trail) < $this->minTrailItems) {
      return array();
    if (!$this->showFrontPage) {
    if (!$this->showCurrentPage) {
    if (!count($trail)) {
      return array();
    $items = $this->breadcrumbBuilder
    if (count($items) < $this->minVisibleItems) {

      // Some items might get lost due to having an empty title.
      return array();
    return $items;

   * Determine if we want to show the breadcrumb item for the current page.
   * @return bool
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$showCurrentPage
  protected function showCurrentPage() {
    return variable_get('crumbs_show_current_page', FALSE) & ~CRUMBS_TRAILING_SEPARATOR;

   * @return bool
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$trailingSeparator
  protected function trailingSeparator() {
    return variable_get('crumbs_show_current_page', FALSE) & CRUMBS_TRAILING_SEPARATOR;

   * Determine if we want to show the breadcrumb item for the front page.
   * @return bool
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$showFrontPage
  protected function showFrontPage() {
    return variable_get('crumbs_show_front_page', TRUE);

   * If there are fewer trail items than this, we hide the breadcrumb.
   * @return int
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$minTrailItems
  protected function minTrailItems() {
    return variable_get('crumbs_minimum_trail_items', 2);

   * Determine separator string, e.g. ' &raquo; ' or ' &gt; '.
   * @return string
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$separator
  protected function separator() {
    return filter_xss_admin(variable_get('crumbs_separator', ' &raquo; '));

   * Determine separator string, e.g. ' &raquo; ' or ' &gt; '.
   * @return bool
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$separatorSpan
  protected function separatorSpan() {
    return (bool) variable_get('crumbs_separator_span', FALSE);

   * If there are fewer visible items than this, we hide the breadcrumb.
   * Every "trail item" does become a "visible item", except when it is hidden:
   * - The frontpage item might be hidden based on a setting.
   * - The current page item might be hidden based on a setting.
   * - Any item where the title is FALSE will be hidden / skipped over.
   * @return int
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$minVisibleItems
  protected function minVisibleItems() {
    $n = $this->minTrailItems;
    if (!$this->showCurrentPage) {
    if (!$this->showFrontPage) {
    return $n;

   * Build altered breadcrumb items.
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$breadcrumbItems
  protected function breadcrumbItems() {
    $breadcrumb_items = $this->rawBreadcrumbItems;
    if (empty($breadcrumb_items)) {
      return array();
    $router_item = $this->router

    // Allow modules to alter the breadcrumb, if possible, as that is much
    // faster than rebuilding an entirely new active trail.

    /* @see hook_menu_breadcrumb_alter() */
    drupal_alter('menu_breadcrumb', $breadcrumb_items, $router_item);
    return $breadcrumb_items;

   * Build the breadcrumb HTML.
   * @return string
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$breadcrumbHtml
  protected function breadcrumbHtml() {
    $breadcrumb_items = $this->breadcrumbItems;
    if (empty($breadcrumb_items)) {
      return '';
    $links = array();
    if ($this->showCurrentPage) {
      $last = array_pop($breadcrumb_items);
      foreach ($breadcrumb_items as $i => $item) {
        $links[$i] = theme('crumbs_breadcrumb_link', $item);
      $links[] = theme('crumbs_breadcrumb_current_page', array(
        'item' => $last,
        'show_current_page' => $this->showCurrentPage,
    else {
      foreach ($breadcrumb_items as $i => $item) {
        $links[$i] = theme('crumbs_breadcrumb_link', $item);
    return theme('breadcrumb', array(
      'breadcrumb' => $links,
      'crumbs_breadcrumb_items' => $breadcrumb_items,
      'crumbs_trail' => $this->trail,
      'crumbs_separator' => $this->separator,
      'crumbs_separator_span' => $this->separatorSpan,
      'crumbs_trailing_separator' => $this->trailingSeparator,

   * List of breadcrumb items to show in search engine results.
   * This can be slightly different from the items shown on the page:
   * - The home page is never part of the SEO breadcrumb.
   * - The current page is never part of the SEO breadcrumb.
   * @return array[]
   * @see $metaBreadcrumbItems
  protected function metaBreadcrumbItems() {
    if ($this->breadcrumbSuppressed) {
      return array();
    $trail = $this->trail;

    // Never show the front page link in search engine results.

    // Never show the front page link in search engine results.
    if (array() === $trail) {

      // Hide search engine breadcrumb if it is empty.
      return array();
    $items = $this->breadcrumbBuilder
    if (array() === $trail) {

      // Some items might get lost due to having an empty title.
      return array();
    $router_item = $this->router

    // Allow modules to alter the breadcrumb, if possible, as that is much
    // faster than rebuilding an entirely new active trail.
    drupal_alter('menu_breadcrumb', $items, $router_item);
    if (array() === $trail) {

      // Some items might get lost during the altering.
      return array();
    return $items;

   * @return array
   * @see $jsonLdData
   * @link
  protected function jsonLdData() {
    $i = 0;
    $dataListItems = array();
    foreach ($this->metaBreadcrumbItems as $item) {
      $dataListItem = array(
        '@type' => 'ListItem',
        'position' => ++$i,
        'item' => array(
          'name' => check_plain($item['title']),
      if ('<nolink>' === $item['href']) {

        // Nothing.
      else {
        $link_options = isset($item['localized_options']) ? $item['localized_options'] : array();
        $link_options['absolute'] = TRUE;
        $dataListItem['item']['@id'] = url($item['link_path'], $link_options);
      $dataListItems[] = $dataListItem;
    if (empty($dataListItems)) {
      return array();
    return array(
      '@context' => '',
      '@type' => 'BreadcrumbList',
      'itemListElement' => $dataListItems,

   * @return string
   * @see $jsonLdScriptTag
   * @link
  protected function jsonLdScriptTag() {
    $data = $this->jsonLdData;
    if (empty($data)) {
      return '';
    $json = json_encode($data);
    return <<<EOT
<script type="application/ld+json">
{<span class="php-variable">$json</span>}

   * Determine current path.
   * @return string
   * @see crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$path
  protected function path() {
    return $_GET['q'];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyData::$data private property
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyData::__get function
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyData::__set function
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$breadcrumbBuilder protected property
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$router protected property
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::$trails protected property
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::breadcrumbData protected function Assemble all breadcrumb data.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::breadcrumbHtml protected function Build the breadcrumb HTML.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::breadcrumbItems protected function Build altered breadcrumb items.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::breadcrumbSuppressed protected function Check if the breadcrumb is to be suppressed altogether.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::jsonLdData protected function @link
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::jsonLdScriptTag protected function @link
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::metaBreadcrumbItems protected function List of breadcrumb items to show in search engine results.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::minTrailItems protected function If there are fewer trail items than this, we hide the breadcrumb.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::minVisibleItems protected function If there are fewer visible items than this, we hide the breadcrumb. Every "trail item" does become a "visible item", except when it is hidden:
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::path protected function Determine current path.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::rawBreadcrumbItems protected function Build the raw breadcrumb based on the $page->trail.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::separator protected function Determine separator string, e.g. ' &raquo; ' or ' &gt; '.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::separatorSpan protected function Determine separator string, e.g. ' &raquo; ' or ' &gt; '.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::showCurrentPage protected function Determine if we want to show the breadcrumb item for the current page.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::showFrontPage protected function Determine if we want to show the breadcrumb item for the front page.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::trail protected function Build the Crumbs trail.
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::trailingSeparator protected function
crumbs_CurrentPageInfo::__construct function