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class crumbs_example_CrumbsMultiPlugin_ListOfNews in Crumbs, the Breadcrumbs suite 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 example/lib/CrumbsMultiPlugin/ListOfNews.php \crumbs_example_CrumbsMultiPlugin_ListOfNews

Note: We could achieve the same with the nodeParent / entityParent, but we do it with a custom plugin for a showcase.


Expanded class hierarchy of crumbs_example_CrumbsMultiPlugin_ListOfNews


example/lib/CrumbsMultiPlugin/ListOfNews.php, line 7

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class crumbs_example_CrumbsMultiPlugin_ListOfNews implements crumbs_MultiPlugin {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function describe($api) {

    // We will have a separate rule per node type on Admin > Structure > Crumbs.
    foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type_name => $type) {
        ->addRule($type_name, $type->name);

   * Set news/(year)/(month)/(day) as the parent for a node.
   * You can use the weights config at Admin > Structure > Crumbs to specify
   * which node types this should apply to.
   * @param string $path
   * @param array $item
   *   The loaded router item for $path.
   * @return string[]|NULL
   *   Candidates for the parent path, or NULL.
  function findParent__node_x($path, $item) {
    if (FALSE === ($node = crumbs_Util::itemExtractEntity($item, 'node', 1))) {
      return NULL;
    if (!empty($node->created)) {
      list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', date('Y-m-d', $node->created));
      $path = "news/{$year}/{$month}/{$day}";
      return array(
        $node->type => $path,
    return NULL;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
crumbs_example_CrumbsMultiPlugin_ListOfNews::describe function Overrides crumbs_MultiPlugin::describe
crumbs_example_CrumbsMultiPlugin_ListOfNews::findParent__node_x function Set news/(year)/(month)/(day) as the parent for a node. You can use the weights config at Admin > Structure > Crumbs to specify which node types this should apply to.