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function crumbs_debug_page in Crumbs, the Breadcrumbs suite 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \crumbs_debug_page()
  2. 7 admin/ \crumbs_debug_page()

Page callback for 'admin/structure/crumbs/debug'.

Return value

string The rendered HTML for the debug page.

1 string reference to 'crumbs_debug_page'
crumbs_menu in ./
Implements hook_menu().


admin/, line 9


function crumbs_debug_page() {
  drupal_set_title('Crumbs debug');
  $path_to_test = '';
  if (isset($_GET['path_to_test'])) {
    $path_to_test = $_GET['path_to_test'];
  elseif (!empty($_SESSION['crumbs.admin.debug.history'])) {
    foreach ($_SESSION['crumbs.admin.debug.history'] as $path => $true) {
      if ('admin' !== substr($path, 0, 5)) {
        $path_to_test = $path;
      elseif ('admin/structure/crumbs' !== substr($path, 0, 22)) {
        $admin_path_to_test = $path;
    if (empty($path_to_test) && !empty($admin_path_to_test)) {
      $path_to_test = $admin_path_to_test;
  $path_checked = check_plain($path_to_test);
  $form_action = url('admin/structure/crumbs/debug');
  $input_html = <<<EOT
<input id="crumbs-admin-debug-path" type="text" class="form-text" size="40" name="path_to_test" value="{<span class="php-variable">$path_checked</span>}" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" class="form-submit" />
  $input_html = t('Breadcrumb for: !text_field', array(
    '!text_field' => $input_html,
  $placeholders = array(
    '!plugin_weights' => l(t('Plugin weights'), 'admin/structure/crumbs'),
    '!display_settings' => l(t('Display settings'), 'admin/structure/crumbs/display'),
  $paragraphs = array();
  $paragraphs[] = <<<EOT
This page allows to have a look "behind the scenes", so you can analyse which crumbs plugins and rules are responsible for the "crumbs parent" to a given system path.
  $paragraphs[] = <<<EOT
For each breadcrumb item, the Crumbs plugins can suggest candidates for the parent path and the breadcrumb item title.
Crumbs assigns a weight to each candidate, depending on the !plugin_weights configuration.
The candidate with the smallest weight wins.
  $paragraphs[] = <<<EOT
Please note that some items may still be hidden, depending on the !display_settings.
  $text = '';
  foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph) {
    $paragraph = str_replace("\n", '<br/>', $paragraph);
    $text .= '<p>' . t($paragraph, $placeholders) . '</p>' . "\n";
  $html = <<<EOT
    <form method="get" action="{<span class="php-variable">$form_action</span>}">
      {<span class="php-variable">$text</span>}
      <label for="path">{<span class="php-variable">$input_html</span>}</label>
  if (strlen($path_to_test)) {
    $path_to_test = drupal_get_normal_path($path_to_test);
    $html .= _crumbs_admin_debug_matrix($path_to_test);
  if (!empty($_SESSION['crumbs.admin.debug.history'])) {
    $recently_visited = '';
    foreach (array_reverse($_SESSION['crumbs.admin.debug.history']) as $path => $true) {
      if ('admin/structure/crumbs/debug' !== substr($path, 0, 28)) {

        // We can't use l() directly, since this would add an "active" class.
        $url = url('admin/structure/crumbs/debug', array(
          'query' => array(
            'path_to_test' => $path,
        $link = l($path, $url, array(
          'external' => TRUE,
        $recently_visited .= '<li>' . $link . '</li>';
    if ($recently_visited) {
      $html .= t('Recently visited') . ':<ol>' . $recently_visited . '</ol>';
  return $html;