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function crm_core_default_matching_engine_load_field_config in CRM Core 7

Loads field matching rule(config) from DB.


string $contact_type: Machine readable contact type name.

string $field_name: Machine readable field name.

string $field_item: Field item. Currently used only in name fields.

Return value

array Field matching rule(config) or all rules for specified contact type(field name and item must be empty).

4 calls to crm_core_default_matching_engine_load_field_config()
crm_core_match_info_page in modules/crm_core_match/
DefaultMatchingEngine::execute in modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/includes/
Applies logical rules for identifying matches in the database.
DefaultMatchingEngineFieldType::fieldRender in modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/includes/
Template used to render fields matching rules configuration form.
EmailMatchField::fieldRender in modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/includes/
Template used to render fields matching rules configuration form.


modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/crm_core_default_matching_engine.module, line 113
The default matching engine for CRM Core. Identifies duplicate contacts in the system using criteria defined by users through the configuration tools.


function crm_core_default_matching_engine_load_field_config($contact_type, $field_name = '', $field_item = '') {
  if (empty($field_name) && empty($field_item)) {
    $rules = db_select('crm_core_match_contact_type_rules')
      ->condition('contact_type', $contact_type)
      ->condition('status', 1)
    return $rules;
  else {
    $config = db_select('crm_core_match_contact_type_rules')
      ->condition('contact_type', $contact_type)
      ->condition('field_name', $field_name)
      ->condition('field_item', $field_item)

    // If no settings stored in DB use defaults.
    if (!$config) {
      $config = array(
        'operator' => '',
        'status' => 0,
        'score' => 0,
        'options' => '',
        'weight' => 10,
    return $config;