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function crm_core_contact_access in CRM Core 7

Check permission for various contact operations.


$op: Operation being performed.

object $contact: A crm_core_contact_type object.

Return value

bool TRUE if access is granted/FALSE is access is denied.

3 calls to crm_core_contact_access()
crm_core_contact_file_download_access in modules/crm_core_contact/crm_core_contact.module
Implements hook_file_download_access().
crm_core_contact_view_access_check in modules/crm_core_contact/plugins/tasks/
Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
_crm_core_contact_resource_access in modules/crm_core_contact/includes/
Determine whether the current user can access a crm_core_contact resource.
1 string reference to 'crm_core_contact_access'
crm_core_contact_entity_info in modules/crm_core_contact/crm_core_contact.module
Implements hook_entity_info().


modules/crm_core_contact/crm_core_contact.module, line 277
Provides default CRM Core Contact entities and the ability to create more.


function crm_core_contact_access($op, $contact, $account = NULL, $entity_type = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  if (is_object($contact)) {
    $contact_type = $contact->type;
  else {
    $contact_type = $contact;

  // First grant access to the entity for the specified operation if no other
  // module denies it and at least one other module says to grant access.
  $access_results = module_invoke_all('crm_core_entity_access', $op, $contact, $account, $entity_type);
  if (in_array(FALSE, $access_results, TRUE)) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (in_array(TRUE, $access_results, TRUE)) {
    return TRUE;
  $administer_contact = user_access('administer crm_core_contact entities', $account);
  switch ($op) {
    case 'view':
      $view_any_contact = user_access('view any crm_core_contact entity', $account);
      $view_type_contact = user_access('view any crm_core_contact entity of bundle ' . $contact_type, $account);
      return $administer_contact || $view_any_contact || $view_type_contact;
    case 'edit':
      $edit_any_contact = user_access('edit any crm_core_contact entity', $account);
      $edit_type_contact = user_access('edit any crm_core_contact entity of bundle ' . $contact_type, $account);
      return $administer_contact || $edit_any_contact || $edit_type_contact;
    case 'delete':
      $delete_any_contact = user_access('delete any crm_core_contact entity', $account);
      $delete_type_contact = user_access('delete any crm_core_contact entity of bundle ' . $contact_type, $account);
      return $administer_contact || $delete_any_contact || $delete_type_contact;
    case 'revert':

      // @todo: more fine grained will be adjusting dynamic permission
      // generation for reverting bundles of contact.
      $revert_any_contact = user_access('revert contact record', $account);
      return $administer_contact || $revert_any_contact;
    case 'create_view':

      // Any of the create permissions.
      $create_any_contact = user_access('create crm_core_contact entities', $account);
      $contact_types = array_keys(crm_core_contact_types(TRUE));
      foreach ($contact_types as $type) {
        $create_type_contact[] = entity_access('create', 'crm_core_contact', $type, $account);

      // Any type of contact type create permission.
      $create_type_contact_flag = in_array(TRUE, $create_type_contact);
      return $administer_contact || $create_any_contact || $create_type_contact_flag;
    case 'create':

      // make sure we are getting a contact type back
      if (empty($contact_type)) {
        return false;

      // Must be able to create contact of any type (OR) specific type
      // (AND) have an active contact type.
      // IMPORTANT, here $contact is padded in as a string of the contact type.
      $create_any_contact = user_access('create crm_core_contact entities', $account);
      $create_type_contact = user_access('create crm_core_contact entities of bundle ' . $contact_type, $account);

      // Load the contact type entity.
      $contact_type_entity = crm_core_contact_type_load($contact_type);
      $contact_type_is_active = !(bool) $contact_type_entity->disabled;
      return ($administer_contact || $create_any_contact || $create_type_contact) && $contact_type_is_active;