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function crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_page_manager_tasks in CRM Core 7

Implements hook_page_manager_task_tasks().

Specialized implementation of hook_page_manager_task_tasks(). See api-task.html for more information.


modules/crm_core_activity/plugins/tasks/, line 17
Handle the 'crm_core_activity view' override task.


function crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_page_manager_tasks() {
  $text = 'When enabled, this overrides the default Drupal behavior for displaying activities at ' . '<em>crm-core/contact/%crm_core_contact/activities/%activity_id</em>. If you add variants, you ' . 'may use selection criteria such as contact type or language or user access to provide different ' . 'views of contacts. If no variant is selected, the default Drupal contact view will be used. ' . 'This page only affects contacts viewed as pages, it will not affect contacts viewed in lists or ' . 'at other locations. Also please note that if you are using pathauto, aliases may make a contact ' . 'to be somewhere else, but as far as Drupal is concerned, they are still at ' . 'crm-core/contact/%crm_core_contact/activities/%activity_id.';
  $prefs = array(
    // This is a 'page' task and will fall under the page admin UI.
    'task type' => 'page',
    'title' => t('Activity template'),
    'admin title' => t('Activity template'),
    'admin description' => t($text),
    'admin path' => 'crm-core/contact/%crm_core_contact/activity/%crm_core_activity',
    // Menu hooks so that we can alter the crm-core/activity/%crm_core_activity menu entry to point to us.
    'hook menu' => 'crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_menu',
    'hook menu alter' => 'crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_menu_alter',
    // This is task uses 'context' handlers and must implement these to give the
    // handler data it needs.
    'handler type' => 'context',
    'get arguments' => 'crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_get_arguments',
    'get context placeholders' => 'crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_get_contexts',
    // Allow this to be enabled or disabled:
    'disabled' => variable_get('page_manager_crm_core_activity_view_disabled', TRUE),
    'enable callback' => 'crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_enable',
    'access callback' => 'crm_core_activity_crm_core_activity_view_access_check',
  return $prefs;