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function crm_core_activity_send_email_action in CRM Core 7

Send e-mail to participants action.


modules/crm_core_activity/crm_core_activity.module, line 897
Provides an entity for recording a contact's activities.


function crm_core_activity_send_email_action($activity, $context) {
  $activity = entity_metadata_wrapper('crm_core_activity', $activity);
  foreach ($activity->field_activity_participants as $participant) {
    if (module_exists('token')) {

      // Token replacement preparations.
      $data = array(
        token_get_entity_mapping('entity', 'crm_core_contact') => $participant
        token_get_entity_mapping('entity', 'crm_core_activity') => $activity
      $options = array(
        // Remove tokens that could not be found.
        'clear' => TRUE,
      $subject = token_replace($context['subject'], $data, $options);
      $message = token_replace($context['message'], $data, $options);
    else {
      $subject = $context['subject'];
      $message = $context['message'];
    $email = $participant->primary_email
    if (!empty($email)) {
      $params = array(
        'subject' => $subject,
        'message' => $message,
      drupal_mail('crm_core_contact', 'crm-core-activity-send-email-action', $email, language_default(), $params);