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public function CourseObject::getTakeType in Course 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Entity/CourseObject.php \Drupal\course\Entity\CourseObject::getTakeType()
  2. 3.x src/Entity/CourseObject.php \Drupal\course\Entity\CourseObject::getTakeType()

How should this course object be executed?

  • iframe: display an iframe with getTakeUrl() in it
  • popup: launch getTakeUrl() in a popup
  • modal: launch getTakeUrl() in a modal
  • content: print the value from take() (or do whatever the module wants to do)
1 call to CourseObject::getTakeType()
CourseObject::takeObject in src/Entity/CourseObject.php
Take a course object.
4 methods override CourseObject::getTakeType()
CourseObjectCertificate::getTakeType in modules/course_certificate/src/Plugin/course/CourseObject/CourseObjectCertificate.php
How should this course object be executed?
CourseObjectNode::getTakeType in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Simple node course object behavior is to just redirect to the node.
CourseObjectQuiz::getTakeType in modules/course_quiz/src/Plugin/course/CourseObject/CourseObjectQuiz.php
How should this course object be executed?
CourseObjectWebform::getTakeType in modules/course_webform/src/Plugin/course/CourseObject/CourseObjectWebform.php
How should this course object be executed?


src/Entity/CourseObject.php, line 520


Parent abstract base class of all course objects.




public function getTakeType() {
  return 'content';